From Krist - Silence

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A/N: Angsty and short. 

Krist slowly sighed and ran a hand through his freshly showered hair. He glanced again at the blank notification bar in his phone and went back to the generic sci-fi flick he had put on TV.

'Did I do something wrong?'

He hadn't heard from his P'Sing in days. Ever since their previous fanmeeting, his senior had been frustratingly distant. Krist had become busy with the promotions of his latest drama and his P' had all but disappeared. His frustration reached it's peak when he realized that Singto wouldn't be walking the blue carpet beside him. Kit wanted to send a deliberate message to Singto by taking both teddies. He wanted to catch his attention.
He knew they were scheduled to shoot an episode of their Friendship series along with more fanmeetings to wrap up the year. However, for Krist, those meetings were not comforting at all. The sheer torture of seeing Singto, but not touching him because of public eyes was too much.




Krist leapt and unlocked his phone at record speed.

Unknown number: Hey Krist. I hope you haven't changed your number.

Unknown number:  I don't even know why I am doing this now. It might be too late, but I have been thinking about you lately. About us. I so sorry about how I left things.

Unknown number: This is Praew btw. If you actually deleted my number .

Krist dropped the phone as if burnt.

'Why now? After all this time. Why?'

He picked up the phone again, chewing his lip and looked at it contemplatively. Should he reply? On one hand, he knew he had no remaining feelings for her. His love life was complicated enough with P'Sing in the picture. But, on the other hand, things seemed to be going nowhere with his elusive senior.  He hadn't heard from him in ages. Krist didn't want to admit it, but their relationship was beginning to seem more and more superficial lately. They didn't see or talk to each other out of work schedules at all lately. They had their trip to Phuket coming up, what was he going to do then? It was literally their last bit of filming together for a long time. Sure they would be doing fanmeets and such, but how long would those last? 

'Was it all in my head? '

Krist shook his head with determination and took up his phone to type something.

"Hey Praew..."


"Hey Krist, I miss you. Are you busy?"

'Too desperate Singto'

"Hey Krist, what's up?"

'No, too random. Shit.'

"Hi Krist"


"Oi Sing, what are you doing? Stop lazing around and come here. Help me with this baking!"

Singto cursed to himself as his cousin sister called him over. His finger was still hovering over the send button. He knew he was in deep shit with his Kit and his prolonged silence was not helping. He sighed and got up to go after his sister, message unsent.

'I'll make it up to you Kitkit'

A/N: And I'll make it up to you guys for my long absence! Promise. This girl went and got herself recruited for a job after graduation! woohooo. Anyways, I have plans for stories but  I might jump AUs for some fluff. I am having a hard time writing real time fluff with these two being so apart :/ Is it just me or do our beloved Peraya seem a little detached with each other lately. Even during Baby Bright in Chiang Mai I felt that Singto was pulling away a little. Please console me with proof otherwise!! Love you all! votes, comments and AU requests are appreciated!

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