Pick up

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pick up

Phrasal verb [transitive verb + adverb]

1. (lift)

(sth dropped) "raccogliere", "raccattare"

(sb fallen) "tirar su"

could you help me pick up the toys? "mi aiuti a raccogliere i giocattoli?"

to pick o.s. up "rialzarsi"

to pick up a child "prendere in braccio un bambino"

to pick up the phone "alzare il ricevitore"

to pick up the bill (figurative) "pagare (il conto)"

to pick sb up for having made a mistake "riprendere qn per aver fatto uno sbaglio"

2. (collect, goods, person) "passare a prendere"

we'll come to the airport to pick you up "veniamo a prenderti all'aeroporto" (subj)

(bus etc) "far salire", "caricare"

(rescue) "raccogliere"

(from sea) "ripescare"

(arrest) "arrestare"

the car picked up speed "la macchina ha acquistato velocità or ha accelerato"

3. a. (acquire)

- (sale bargain) "trovare"

- (information, points in exam, germ) "prendere"

b. (learn)

- (habit, ideas) "prendere"

- (skill, language, tricks) "imparare"

they picked up a nasty infection "si sono presi una brutta infezione"

can you pick up some information while you're there? "puoi prendere delle informazioni mentre sei lì?"

I picked up some Spanish during my holiday "ho imparato un po' di spagnolo in vacanza"

he picked up a girl at the disco (informal) "ha rimorchiato una ragazza in discoteca"

4. (radio, television, telecommunications) "captare"

Phrasal verb [intransitive verb + adverb]

1. (improve)

(gen) "migliorare"

(wages) "aumentare"

(invalid, business) "riprendersi"

(weather) "rimettersi"

things are picking up "le cose stanno migliorando"

2. (continue) "continuare", "riprendere"

to pick up where one left off "riprendere dal punto in cui ci si era fermati

pick up

1. verbo frasale

When you pick something up, you lift it up.

He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head. [VERB noun PARTICLE]

Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled with it. [VERB PARTICLE noun]

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