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Devo recuperare un giorno... credo!

A hunch is your brain's way of taking a shortcut to the truth.

 Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Un'inutizione è il modo in cui il cervello prende una scorciatoia verso la verità.



1. (informal, idea) impressione
     (premonition) intuizione
I have a hunch that ... /ho la vaga impressione che..., ho il vago presentimento che...
she's acting on a hunch /sta andando a naso
to follow one's hunch /seguire il proprio fiuto

2.(hump) gobba

countable noun
- a feeling or guess based on intuition

If you have a hunch about something, you are sure that it is correct or true, even though you do not have any proof. [informal]

Hunch can be used in the expression "I have a hunch that..." to describe a feeling that one has about something without having any real proof. A shorter form is "My hunch is that...." A hunch is merely instinct, a way for people to rely on past experiences or acquired knowledge to make a decision when specific information or data cannot be recalled.


(anche hunch up) incurvareINTRANSITIVE VERBstar curvo (‑a)to sit hunched up /star seduto (‑a) curvo (‑a)


Hunch was originally (1581) a verb meaning "to push, thrust." The figurative sense of "hint, tip" (a "push" toward a solution or answer) was first recorded in 1849. This eventually led to the sense of "an intuitive feeling."

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