Chapter 2

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(Uraraka and Deku are shooting Bakugou's nipples in this pic btw)

Shinsou's POV:

"You see that those water guns behind the shed?" I whispered in Izuku's ear "yeah?" He answered looking concerned " wanna try and start a water fight with all of those?" I grinned Izuku looked down for a minute or two and looked back up "You bet I do! Oh but first I have to change into my swimmers" he left me at the tree to come back later in cute All Might tight trunks.

"You see that those water guns behind the shed?" I whispered in Izuku's ear "yeah?" He answered looking concerned " wanna try and start a water fight with all of those?" I grinned Izuku looked down for a minute or two and looked back up "You bet I...

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"God he's hot..." I mumbled"what was that?" He spouted as he walked towards the shed. "Uh it's nothing I was just talking to myself!" I eagerly shouted "hehe you talk to yourself to I see. Here have a help me fill these water balloons and guns" he giggled as he handed me a bunch of water guns and balloons.

Time skip cuz ima lazy

"Attack!" Izuku shouted as he threw all the water balloons at everyone. "DEKU DIE!" Bakugo grabbed a water gun also starting to shoot everyone.

Time skip again ;-;

Deku's POV:

I should probably go change it's starting to get more cold. Before I could go back inside a unknown figure grabbed me by the collar pushing me inside the shed with them. "Ow who did tha..." The figure covered my mouth with four of their fingers making me look at the persons face. It was Shigaraki Tomura?! "What are you doing here?" I said while being slightly muffled
"I came here for you Izuku I decided to give up on being a villain if you will be my boyfriend" he laughed maniacally "W-what?!" I screamed "shush be quite we  don't want anyone seeing us like this do we?" He started rubbing his leg against my thigh "St-stop it!" I cried making Tomura stop looking up at me "Fine I'll give you some time but here's my number if you've changed your mind" he mumbled kissing my cheek while walking out of the shed disappearing magically somehow. I stumbled backwards out of the shed blushing like a ripe tomato. "Hey Midoriya are you okay you look red?" Todoroki ran towards me in a hurry. "Um yeah I just... feel a little tired from the water fight I think I should go back and change" I rubbed my left arm shyly. "I was about to do the same thing let's go inside" he smiled walking inside. "Oh okay"

sorry if it's a bit short I promise to make it longer in the next one Ó-Ò

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sorry if it's a bit short I promise to make it longer in the next one Ó-Ò

To be continued...

Deku's gay sleepover!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora