Chapter Two: Something New, Something Old

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"I was planning to go home." I say confused.

"You can't go by yourself. It's dark and were responsible for you now," said Daichi "you are our manager now." He adds with a smile. I feel my stomach flutter at his statement.

"Y-Yeah that makes sense. Well who goes this way?" I say pointing west of the school.

"Awwwhhh yeeaahhhh! That's the way I go! Guess who gets to bring the new manager home! This guy!" Tanaka brags to the first years who don't even seem to care.

I can't help but feel a little intimidated by how loud and outgoing this guy is. Subconsciously I take a step back when he comes towards me and Sugawara notices.

"Ya know I was planning to go that way too so you can stop bragging now Tanaka." Suga says and Tanaka shuts up.

"We should get going. I have some stuff I have to do at home." I say to Suga and we begin walking. The rest of the boys split up and head home too. Tanaka runs after us to catch up and after a short time of silence he speaks up.

"Sooo Fujioka-san what school did you come from?" He asks facing me.

"I was in Aoba Jōsai." I say softly hoping to keep him from going all loud again.

"Wow, I heard you have to have really good grades to get into there." Says Sugawara stopping Tanaka from talking again.

"U-uh yeah. I suppose so, I was an honors student so-" I begin.

"AN HONORS STUDENT! Your pretty and smart!" Tanaka says and I can't help but blush slightly from the compliment.

"Yeah well I don't hate studying so it's easy to keep up." I say fiddling with my collar.

"Nē Fujioka," said Suga talking my attention off Tanaka, "because you went to Aoba Jōsai and liked Volleyball. Did you know Oikawa Torou?" He says looking me straight in the eyes.

"Everyone knows Oikawa." I say matter of factly.
"Sadly though, I did know him personally." I finish. Tanaka's face turns into a shocked expression,

"Why's it sad? Did he break your heart?!?! If he did I SWEAR-" Tanaka starts but I cut him off.

"No, no, it's nothing like that Tanaka." I say quickly and he stops his threatening, waiting for an explanation.
"See I'm friends with Iwazami so he hangs around us a lot and I find how he acts around certain people annoying."

"So you don't like him?" Suga asks me.

"Unless annoying has the same definition of like, no. I find him annoying." I say to him.

"You know your probably the first girl who doesn't." Tanaka says much quieter than any of his other previous statements.

"I wouldn't bet on that, my sister doesn't like him either." I say with a smirk on my face.
"Maybe my family just isn't as easy to be blinded by good looks as other people are." I finish.

"What years your sister in?" Suga asks, changing the topic.

"She's a first year but she doesn't go to this school." I answer.

"What school does she go to then?" Tanaka asks.

"She goes to Ouran Academy as an honor student." I say proudly, thinking of how well she's done in school so far.

"Ouran is pretty far away. I'm guessing you two don't live together then." said Suga gazing softly at me.

My chest squeezes with remembrance of exactly how far away the rest of my family is and I nod my head in answer to Suga's statement.

"I'll never forget you" [Sugawara Kōshi x reader/ *slight* Ouran High Host Club]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt