chapter 6

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Its been a while year now Ila has gotten bigger. She's walking and talking more to . Steve and Tony plus Ila have been hanging out but usually it's just Steve when there in public since Tony likes to spoil Ila . Ila is now five years old and today is her first day of school.

Steve's pov:
"Ila sweetie it's time to wake up for school" I said as I gently tapped her shoulder to wake her
"Daddy I don't wanna go" she mummbled through the sheets.
"I know but you have to" I said .
She finally got up and dressed then I helped her with her hair and then made her breakfast after breakfast I driver her to school. I watched her get out of the car and go to the class room lil did I know she'd make a best friend and that I would lose her that same day.

Ila's pov
I walked into the class room scared it was my first full day without Dad or Daddy. I stayed by the door frame for a while until this boy about my age with brown hair come up to me.
"Hi I'm Peter Parker", he said looking at me "um I'm Ila Rogers " I said looking at him. Hours passed while I leaned and played with my new best friend but as we were going to lunch our teacher Mr.Wells told us to head to the gym, we had no idea what was going on but we all went with him the entire school was in the gym now there a kid missing from my class so I went to find him I saw Peter and pushed him into his locker whick accidentally locked it but luckily for him Colin saw me push him in there,
As I was about to run back to the gym a man in Black grabbed me I tried to fight him like Daddy showed me but it didn't work I remember feeling something hot hit my side though just before the man grabbed me I couldn't see anything or something  black  was on my head was covered lould heard I sound I knew well the sound of my Daddy and Dad fighting but then it started to go silent as I was tossed into something I can remember hearing my Daddy yelling my name but I couldn't do anything at all. I knew that something wasn't right but I also knew that my Daddy would come for me.

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