Chapter 2

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~Back to the night Dazai met Chuuya~

The next day, Dazai had woke up to find himself alone in that hotel room. He noticed the post-it taped to the night table and grabbed it.

He dressed up and put the paper in his pocket without reading it. There was something that was bothering him but he didn't know what it was. It's like he had forgot something important but couldn't remember because honestly he had drink a bit too much. Dazai didn't have anywhere to go. He didn't have a family nor friends. He wanted a life for himself so he left "home" and began to live his life like a stray dog. And because of that he has been looking for a job, for a while now.

He asked a bartender around the area where all the bars were located in, if he knew of anyone who needed a new employee.

"There's this guy who has black hair and uses a weird outfit that was talking about hiring someone. They said he is a doctor or something." The bartender explained.

"Ah, I see. Well, do you know his contact info?" Dazai asked.

"No, but I know where you can find him." The guy said. "Is close to here. In an alley."

Dazai thanked the bartender and walked out and followed the directions he gave him.

He walked around a little lost until he finally found a shop hidden in an alley way. He could guess since it was located in such a place, that not many people went there. The first thing he saw was a variety of antiques on shelves. A man in a white doctor coat. His black hair was slicked back. He was startled by him since he was busy cleaning and hadn't noticed Dazai's standing there.

"How can I help you?" He said in a polite manner.

"Mori Ogai, is it?" His eyes widened a bit when Dazai mention his name.

"Yes." He answered.

"I heard you are looking for a new employee."

"Yes, but it is not to work in this shop. You see..."


"You see, Dazai-kun. This isn't my main job. Is just something I do for fun, you could say."

"What is your main job?" Dazai asked.

Mori smirked, "Is a complicated job. Are you willing to dirt your hands in it?" He didn't answer but the question that was asked gave Dazai enough clues to guess what it was about. He had already dirty his hands before so this was nothing new.

"Yes." He responded.

"I see, you're a smart man. You've already figured what it is about." A smirked form on Mori's face again. "Well, then. Welcome to the Port Mafia, Dazai."


A week had already past since he was recruited to the Port Mafia and to him it was so easy to get used to it, for unknown reason. His skills with guns were outstanding. He was introduced to all the members except one.

"So, Chuuya-san hasn't been working this past week because of personal reasons, but I heard he is coming back today." A blonde hair girl said.

"Oh, I see. Higuchi is he, perhaps a short ginger haired?"

She nodded.

"Why is he-" Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a loud noise. Two voices loudly shouting at each other. Higuchi and Dazai got closer to the scene. Dazai's eyes widened. The beautiful ginger haired he was with just a week ago was in front of him. The short guy stopped arguing with the other male and looked over to Higuchi and Dazai. His eyes widened. He stood there with his mouth half open, in completed shock.

"Chuuya-san. This is Dazai Osamu our new member in the Port Mafia." Chuuya finally came back to reality and was even more shocked when he hear her say that. The guy who was with him stared at the two of them.

"Do you know each other?" He asked.

Chuuya glanced at Dazai and answered, "No."

Chuuya walked away with the black haired guy he was arguing with before. He looked much younger than him and was wearing all black clothing.

"Senpai!" Higuchi went after the black haired male. While, Dazai followed the ginger and tried to catch up to him.

"I didn't know you were part of the mafia."

"Of course you didn't, are you stupid?" Dazai chuckled at his response.

"Chuuya-kun is one of the executives of the Port Mafia, I heard them say." Dazai commented.

"Yes, and? What about it?"

Dazai smiled. "Nothing."

Chuuya walked faster trying to leave the brunette behind but since he had short legs, Dazai easily catch up to him. Chuuya stopped walking and looked back at Dazai and spoke.

"Stop following me! Look, that was a one night stand, nothing more. I don't want anything to do with you." He looked directly into Dazai's brown eyes.

Dazai moved himself closer to him and grabbed his face making him look up. "That's not gonna be possible, Chuuya~" He said in a mocking tone. "Since, you and I are now partners."

Chuuya furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't care. Just don't talk to me." Chuuya broke eye contact with him and started walking away again. His head started spinning, making him lose balance and would have fallen to the ground if it weren't for Dazai's quick reflects.

"Are you okay?" Dazai held him close to his chest. Chuuya nodded and leaned on him to stand properly.

"Maybe you have a fever." Dazai touch his forehead. "Isn't it better for you to go home. You could collapse while you're on a mission."

Chuuya softly pushed him and shook his head. "I'm fine." He tried walking but failed since he felt dizzy again and leaned on Dazai again. The brunette pulled him to an embrace and suddenly he calmed down. His dizziness went away and Dazai's scent made him feel safe. Chuuya couldn't understand why but he didn't even try to find an explanation to it. He just hugged Dazai tightly while sniffing him. Dazai didn't say anything and just stroked his hair while embracing him.

"It's okay, Chuuya." Dazai reassured and kissed his head.

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