He's Insane

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Your first thought was that this was a simple prank call, harmless, and that you had no reason to overreact at such a stupid joke. But then again, what if this was a serious matter? You don't know how long you stood there, but you knew it had to have been more then thirty minutes. This kind of shock was the type that threw off your whole thought process, immobilized you for time that you completely forgot existed. You assumed you were just being paranoid.

The darkness surrounding you began to make you feel as though it were suffocating you despite the chill that wafted through the air, it was an overwhelming feeling that kept your body rigid, unmoving. Deep breaths...You thought to yourself, obeying your orders. Your breaths were short and shaky, hands cold and trembling at your side, and you couldn't change it no matter your strategy.

Your eyes darted left to right, demonic images dancing in the thick darkness as you casually began walking towards your light switch, which was a blue, glow in the dark, shade. Your footsteps were light as you swiftly covered lots of ground, almost to the point where you couldn't hear it.

Just a few feet away your light switch was glowing softly, until the light was suddenly covered. The hand must have been large, manly, since no color seeped through the spaces in between those fingers, the palm covered it completely.

You stopped moving, stopped breathing, stopped blinking. Any type of movement your body created that could be heard was now silenced by you. You heard the shuffling of feet that didn't belong to you, and now you wish that you would've called the cops as soon the call ended.

But you didn't.

This felt like a horror movie, the ones everyone thinks they would survive if they were placed into that situation. You were one of those people, and feeling the emotions inside of you rage in a battle of anger, fear, and sadness did not help you make rational decisions. Being in a situation like this is nothing like actually watching the horror movies, you don't know what's going to happen, you don't see the backstory, you don't know who was behind the call. You don't know anything, nor are you able to guess what is going to happen.

Simply because in real life, you don't have a summary of events to come.

"You don't want to turn on the light, sweetie." Came a voice, deep and tainted with insanity. It was sinister, but somewhere deep inside your memories you felt the slightest recognition.

You had your phone behind you, brightness close to none and the light that could be seen could be covered by you. You turned it on, but hid the light behind your back. You knew your phone well, so you continuously tapped until you called your best friend while your eyes concentrated on the human shaped lump of darkness. After muting her voice, you tucked the phone into your back pocket secretly, screen facing inwards, then answered the stranger.

"Why not?" You said. Your voice surprised you. It didn't sound weak at all, nor did it sound terrified. It carried the sound of confidence, calmness, the opposite of what you were currently feeling.

"You really want to see what I left here for you now? Eager, aren't we?" The mysterious husky voice replied. The cocky, egotistic ring to his voice annoyed you, but at the same time forced the feeling of unease to course through your veins.

"Listen, get the fuck out now. Just get out and leave." You said strongly while subconsciously puffing out your chest as a sign of dominance.

"But I won't ever leave you alone again, my darling..." The honey smooth voice whispered into your left ear. The light switch was glowing again.

"I'll be watching you every night, maybe I'll even creep my way into your dreams, turn them into unforgettable nightmares. I'll give you gifts, gifts that if I ever see you throw them away..." He trailed off, chuckling darkly. Suddenly you felt a sharp cold piece of metal being pressed up against your side, a vital area. "You won't live another day if you don't accept my gifts, my forms of love for you." He whispered sinisterly.

You stood extremely still, trying to control your breathing. Your heart was speeding up so fast from fear, it was beginning to scare you. He laughed again, crazy being the only way to describe it.

"You're scared, I can feel it." He paused for a moment, blade being taken away from you. "My first gift lies on your bed, take good care of it." He inched in closer to you, so close that you could feel his...singed...? Singed hair rub against your neck.

Cold lips kissed your cheek.

Your eyes widened, fight or flight instinct kicking in. Your body chose fight. You balled up your right fist and quickly threw a punch at the spot he should've been...but....

You punched air.

Sprinting towards the light you immediately flicked it on. The sudden change in lighting blinded you for a moment, but when you could clearly see again, you gasped.

And then, the tears came.

When The Clock Strikes Midnight (Jeff the Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now