Chapter 24

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Killian POV

I feel better now that Agnes is with me. Holding her soothes my frayed nerves as a feeling of peace finally settles over me.  I have a hopeful feeling we won't be hearing from opposing parties anytime soon.

I stare up at the dark ceiling of my room. Agnes is lying across my chest, her breathing slow and even. It's mid day, but I've drawn the blinds and locked the door. Pretty sure everyone thinks I'm fucking her, but I just need to enjoy her company. She lets out a sigh of content, her breath causing goosebumps to form on my skin. "I love you."

I smile. She didn't have to say that, not really. I already knew. I knew it as easily as I knew the sky was blue. She loves me. "I love you too." I knew that just as easily.

She sits up and turns to me. "As much as I love laying with you, we should go downstairs and talk to some other people. I haven't really had the chance for a proper conversation with my dad."

I groan and tighten my arms around her. "That can wait. Stay with me?"

"Killian, I love you, but no," She said, sliding off the bed. "I have to go see how everyone is doing. And besides you can't just hog me."

I reach out and grab her waist. I pull her into my lap so that she's straddling me. Her eyes are wide. "I'll keep you to myself all I fucking want," I pull her to me gently by her throat, and place a long kiss on her lips. I finally pull back, but don't remove my hand. "You're mine."

She rolls her eyes at me. "What is it with boys thinking things belonging to them? I'm not a thing." 

I shake my head. "No. You mean so much more to me than any thing ever could."

She smiles and gives me  a quick kiss. "You're so sweet to me," I grin. "That doesn't mean I'm staying here." I roll my eyes, but let her go as she stands up. If she wants to go see everyone that's what we'll do. We though. Plural. I'm not letting her out of my sight for the foreseeable future. I'd learned my lesson.

Agnes POV

I can't describe the emotions that I'm feeling. It's almost like I'm drowning. As though I'm slowly sinking through loving memories, just waiting to be able to breathe among them. Instead, I've always felt as though I get to see them as long as I can hold my breath and ignore that nagging thought that I'll never fit in with them. But all that leaves when Blade and Eve hug me tightly. I choke for a moment before releasing the emotions from inside me. I've choked on them inside for so long, that I have to take multiple gasps of air to confirm that it isn't a dream.

Everyone is happy to see me. They love me enough that they risked themselves to save me.  I'm calm now, but the rest of the club is going nuts. I suddenly remember something and turn to Blade. "Blade, did you decide if you were going to help Clara?" He looks at me and smiles before ruffling my hair. "We already did. She helped us crack the code, and in turn we rescued you and took out the people hurting her. We've agreed to help her brother as well." I look around and find her half-hidden behind Damian.

"I'm going to go thank her." I say loudly, as to be heard over the music. He nods ad kisses my head. Clara catches sight of me as I approach. "Clara can I hug you please?" I ask. Clara looks shocked for a moment. But she nods. I wrap my arms tightly around her. She's hesitant, but she hugs me back.

"Why?" She whispers.

"Because you saved me." I shrug.

I pull back, and she's blushing. "Oh. It was nothing. Your code was smart! Smart enough to avoid the Demon's suspecting anything, but not too complicated so as to take too long to figure out."

She seems embarrassed by the gratitude. I take her hands in mine and look her in the eyes. "Listen, I just wanted to say that I'm happy you're here. It may take some time to adjust to everything that goes on here, but I want you to know I'm here for you. Anything you need, you know where to find me."

Tears fill her eyes, and this time it's her who hugs me.

Killian POV

"So what's the deal with you two?" I ask finally. Damian doesn't meet my eyes. He shrugs. "Is it her brothers?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Nah, they're cool. I thought they'd be suspicious of me, but they thanked me for helping her out."

"Okay, so what is it?"

He doesn't answer for a moment. "She's got some demons. I want to focus on chasing them away, and helping her, rather than rush her into something just cause it's what I want."

I nod my head slowly. "Mature of you." He shrugs.

Leo wanders over to us, a few buttons of his shirt undone, and his hair messed up. "Whew! You know guys, I don't tell you this enough," He hiccups. "But I love you."

He then proceeds to pass out on the floor. I look at Damian. "I'm not cleaning that shit up." He just glares at me. Then Agnes comes barreling in out of nowhere. Before I can even say hello, she's smashing her lips into mine. I kiss her back for a moment before pulling back.

"What was that for?" I ask quietly.

She looks up at me. "Because I love you." I smile. She smiles. "Also Dahlia keeps trying to persuade me to let her give me a lap dance, and I'm scared that she isn't joking."

I laugh out loud and just enjoy what's in front of me. I should really do that more often.


This is the end! I loved writing this book, and I'm very attached to the characters, so it will be hard to say goodbye. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to edit it, but I hope you enjoy the new version better. I would love to hear suggestions for my next project. Love you all!

Hope you enjoyed <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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