Chapter 6

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Really quickly, for clarification, here's how the club is right now ( there are more members, but these people are the main focus):

President: Blade. Old Lady: Eve

Vice President: Allistair. Old Lady: Mindy

Enforcer: Piston. Old Lady:  Maria (Deceased)

Club Member: Rod. Old Lady: Venus

Club Member: Venom Old Lady: None

Club Member: Bruiser. Old Lady: Alice

Club Member: Rebel. Old Lady: None

Club Member:Killian Old Lady: to be determined

Club Member: Riot. Old Lady: Misty

Prospect: Rusty Old Lady: To be determined 

Prospect: Leo Old Lady: to be determined

Prospect: Damian Old Lady: to be determined

Killian POV

That was close. Way too close. I almost kissed her. She probably would have freaked out.  I can't get that image out of my head though. Her big brown eyes looking up at me, her body close to mine.

Yikes. I would take a cold shower, but I'm already wet.

Instead, I start to dry myself off with the towel she gave me. I'm not insanely cold, but it's just like her to fuss over something so small. One of the many things I love about her.

As I dry my hair, I hear footsteps coming from the main hall. They're definitely too heavy to belong to Agnes.

I bolt for the door when I hear a crash, and upon seeing my angel, lying on the floor as her father moves to kick her, I see red.

I lunge forward and wrap my hands around his throat. His hands grapple for mine as he tries to pry himself loose. I release one hand and strike him across his face, before kneeing his stomach. Then, I pull out my gun and hit him over the head with the butt.

Agnes is crying hysterically as her father slumps to the floor unconscious. I turn to her and pick her up in one arm.

I grab a blanket from the living room, and take her to the screened in front porch. She's shaking hard and gripping me so tight her knuckles are pure white.

I sit down on the porch swing with her on my lap, and pull out my phone. I immediately call my dad. He sees Agnes as his daughter, so he'll be pissed.

He answers on the third ring.

"You better be dying, or I'll shoot you myself. It's three in the morning, the hell do you want?"

"Nice to hear from you too dad. Look I need you to send some people our way, Agnes is hurt," I grit out.

Dead silence on the other end.


"What. Happened." My dad sounded like he had to physically force out the words.

"Her dad came home drunk as hell. I think he pushed her over, and might've kicked her too. She's holding her mid section funny," I tell him, holding my angel closer to me.

Faintly I hear yelling on the other end.

"What the fuck happened to Agnes!" Blade, the MC president roars. Dad must be waking people up. Agnes has managed to burrow her way into the hearts of these big bad bikers, and now that she's hurt they're mad. And they're out for blood.

"Fucking just get here!" I yell, getting impatient. Agnes could be seriously hurt.

I hear nothing on the other end, and I assume they must be on their way. Agnes has fallen asleep in my arms, cuddling herself into my chest. I stroke her hair and try to keep her warm seeing as the rain is still pouring.

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