Arriving back

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Lottie breathed in the smell of roses, a waft of comfort welcoming her back. She stood and stared at the beautiful Rosewood school, roses climbing up its walls, hiding all its secrets.

Lottie turned her head to look behind her, her curls blowing in her face as she turned away from the wind. She saw Jamie dragging their suitcases up the path, Ellie riding on the biggest one, laughing with joy, as Jamie pulled her along, laughing too. Lottie smiled to herself, she felt something big was coming for them, something that would change their lives forever but instead of fear, she felt excitement. 


Outside their dorm room Ellie squealed excitedly " just open the door already! " . Lottie laughed. " I cant wait to put all these new decorations in our room,  its kinda crazy mum let us even choose new decorations if you think about it I mea-" Ellie stopped talking. Lottie had raised her hand to Ellie "you talk way to much" Lottie  beamed. Ellie laughed and barged in front of Lottie, face inches away from the door to their dorm room as she fumbled her key in and out the lock trying to unlock it. "here" Lottie said, taking the keys off Ellie and opening the door with ease.


 Hours later Ellie brushed her hands together, her hair a mess around her face creating a mane effect. "finished!" she exclaimed, looking around at her work. Ellie had hung CDs on her wall, a decorative wolf head in the middle. Her bed had a black duvet with matching pillows, a star pillow effortlessly thrown on top. A desk opposite her bed was filled with textbooks dumped there, a photo of her, Lottie and Jamie from Christmas stood in a frame on the edge.

Ellie looked over to Lottie's side of the room. A shelf with neatly arranged plants, books, her polaroid camera and decorative pieces hung opposite her. Lottie's bed was neatly made, not a crease in sight. It had a white duvet cover and pillows, pastel pink throw pillows and blanket. Mr Truffles, Lottie's stuffed pig, lay tucked up in bed. The desk was empty from textbooks which were all hidden away in the draws. Instead Lottie had arranged her family's tiara and a succulent carefully in its place. Above hung a pin board with polaroid images she had taken with them all pinned on, fairy lights hung around it.

'why is Lottie so perfect?' Ellie asked herself. 'why does she always have to be right?'


Lottie had gone to get them drinks and a bite to eat from the rosewood cafeteria. "Hello Lottie dear, what may I get you?" the lady behind the counter asked. "Hi, please may I get a hot chocolate, one coffee and two banana bread slices please?" Lottie replied as she tucked her strand of blond hair behind her ear which had slipped out of her messy bun. " sure, wont be a minute" the lady said as she disappeared into the kitchen. Lottie looked around the room and saw Jamie. He was sat with Raphael and Percy and they were all laughing. Lottie felt butterflies awaken in her stomach. Ever since the piano incident in the Tompkins manor Lottie had felt nervous around Jamie, always wanting to make him smile. She tried to ignore it but it wouldn't go away. His olive skin, hazel eyes, scruffy hair and body were so appealing to Lottie but she new if she looked into it she would cause a lot of trouble.


Jamie looked up from his conversation with Percy and Raphael. He realised he had been fiddling with the charm bracelet Lottie had got him and Ellie whilst he listened to the conversation they were having. As he looked up he saw Lottie. Her blonde, beach curled hair, tied up in a messy bun with a pink scrunchie. He watched as she fiddled with her white hoodie's sleeve as she spoke to the café lady. Her hoodie was so long that you couldn't see the shorts she was wearing underneath. Her feet fidgeted in her bunny slippers. Jamie realised he was staring and quickly looked away. The smile Lottie gave the café lady engraved in his mind. ' I cant get distracted' he told himself. He told himself this a lot but Lottie kept coming back into his thoughts, the innocent, brave, smiley girl was attracting him.

He took a quick glance back to see that she'd noticed him, her rosy cheeks glowing more than usual. She waved at him smiling. Jamie smiled back and waved before the café lady called for her to collect her order.


"Lottie, your orders ready love" the café lady said.  Lottie quickly turned away from Jamie. " Thank you!" Lottie said as she scooped up everything and headed towards Jamie. As  Lottie reached their table Jamie looked at her surprised but just simply smiled at her. Lottie dumped her order down on their table spilling some hot chocolate on Raphael's hand. "aaaaaargh, that is really hot." Lottie's face was painted with horror. "Omg Raph, I am so sorry hang on, let me just -" Lottie said as she hurried off to find some paper towels and ice. Jamie sat there with a grin on his face. Raphael stared at him "thanks for bringing out one of your ultra rare grins for this moment Jamie, reeeeally appreciate it" Raphael muttered as he shook his hand. Jamie returned to his sturn face " your welcome" he replied.

Lottie returned with ice and napkins. She started dabbing Raphael's burn "sorry.. hold still, it will help... sorry!" Lottie kept saying.

Percy signed to Jamie "typical Lottie!" and grinned. Jamie burst out with a snort which caused Lottie and Raphael to look up. "what is so funny?" Lottie asked. "sorry but Percy here is just a comedic genius" Jamie replied whilst signalling it to Percy. Percy grinned at Lottie who raised her eyebrows before returning to Raphael's wound.

" anyway where are we going to meet before the fireworks guys?" Lottie asked the boys when she'd finally finished with Raphael who was still wincing. The fireworks were something they went to every year to celebrate the start of a new year at school. Jamie looked Lottie dead in the eye with concern " I don't believe it is safe to wonder out into open grounds with a crowd and get distracted by fireworks when Leviathan are out and about" Jamie replied. Lottie shivered at the mention of ' Leviathan' receiving flashbacks of everything she'd been through because of them. She nodded slowly before taking a bite out of her banana bread. Jamie looked up at Lottie and immediately rushed to her. Her eyes rolled inside her head and she started shaking uncontrollably before falling back. Jamie caught her. Everyone in the café shrieked and yelled. " " Percy, go get Ellie" Jamie said whilst Raphael signalled it to Percy. Percy, who was in uter-shock nodded and ran off.  

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