When the inn keeper knocked timidly on their door a moment later, Wei WuXian removed the ward on the door with one flick of his hand and bade him enter.

The inn keeper's eyes went wide when he saw the wreck of the window and then the four headless bodies. The fourth one had died almost gratefully that he was only going to be beheaded, as he could see that Lan WangJi's would not have been that merciful.

"What kind of an inn do you run that four thugs can attack a guest in broad daylight?" Wei WuXian mused.

The inn keep looked at him, then at Lan WangJi's cold fury, and swallowed. He bowed deep. "My deepest apologies, worthy guests. What can I do to make amends?"

"Find us another room. And take care of the bodies," Wei suggested.

"Leave the heads," Lan WangJi said.

"Leave the..." The inn keep repeated weakly and gulped again.

"Yes, we have need of them," Wei WuXian said cheerfully, as if he wasn't standing in a room with sprays of dark red decorating the walls and with four headless corpses lying in eight separate pools of blood.

"Of course." The inn keeper turned and clapped his hands. It was none of his business what such high ranking cultivators did with the bodies. Or the heads. His wife peaked around the door frame, her face going white at the sight of the room. "Take our valued guests to our best suite, quickly."

"And we need a messenger," Wei WuXian added.

"Of course, of course."

"And a box big enough for the heads," Lan WangJi said.

The inn keeper gulped.

Three hours later, the head of clan Ren opened his eyes and looked into the open box again. The view hadn't improved.

"We must strike them again, with more—" said his hotheaded son Ren BenZhuo.

"Quiet! I listened to you once, and now look. Four of my best men are dead."

"But they disrespected us! They can't get away with it!"

"We were fools to anger the Yiling patriarch and HanGuang-Jun. We're lucky if they let the rest of us live after our attack on them.


"No more! We are done." The head of clan Ren gathered what dignity he had and addressed his household. "We will move to our house the country and wait for this to blow over. Let's prey this is the end of it."

Back at the inn, Wei was getting undressed, Lan WangJi looking at him anxiously for any injury he might have received during the battle earlier, but as each item of his robes fell to the bed, the skin that was revealed was as pale and perfect as always.

Lan WangJi shifted a little. "I warned you that the paper man would bring you in danger, if you were careless."

"But I wasn't! I only sent paper man after you when they paralysed me."

"They what?" Lan WangJi's eyes flashed red. If the thugs hadn't already been dead, he would have killed them again for that.

"They burst in through the window, and one of them must have had a talisman ready. I had no time to react. Luckily the paralysis started from my legs first, so I had just time to transfer my consciousness into a paper man and go look for you."

"You didn't ward the window?"

Wei WuXian stopped for a moment and turned slowly to look at Lan WangJi. "I was going to this morning, but you distracted me."

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