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Mia Wilks is heading into senior year with a sigh of relief. She's hiding, blending in, trying to get done and get out with as little trouble as possible.

But when the beautiful and dangerous June Willow is assigned to sit next to her in class, things change. Mia knows that associating with her might insert her into a world of violence and all things better left unseen, but can she resist the temptation to do so?



This book involves sensitive topics such as assault, kidnapping, physical and emotional abuse, criminal activities, and illegal fighting.

If all of these warnings aren't deterring you in the least, perhaps even garnering your interest, congratulations! We'll get along well.


Things to expect in this book:

-correct grammar (if anything is wrong, please feel free to point it out)

-a lesbian MC


-realistic action (I have credentials for this, I assure you)

-slight humor

-heavy angst

-audience participation (as many of my current readers know, I love reading comments and put every effort into responding to them)

Things not to expect in this book:

-straight romance (obviously)

-a tragic ending

-smut (sorry)


Introduction to the author:

Hello! My pen name is Mae-- I love writing action and violence and have a strong belief that there isn't enough good lesbian/action fiction in the world. 

If you're looking for murder, mayhem, and hot women, you came to the right place.

This book is my debut, so I tried not to make it quite as action-heavy as I wanted, but be assured that I have many plans for upcoming novels. If anyone has any good ideas, as well, feel free to let me know. I take all of them into careful consideration. 

I have experience with law enforcement and fighting (I'm trained in three martial arts), so all of my writing should be very realistic pertaining to those things. 

Future plans: (for books, of course)

Just in case you plan on sticking around, I thought I would share what sorts of books I'm interested in writing. (Note that all of them will be lgbt.)

-I'm toying around with the idea of writing an action/fantasy type novel, maybe an adventure type thing  (THIS BOOK EXISTS NOW! Sain Clare Academy is in the process of being written, so check it out!)

-Devil-themed (I'm a sucker for the Lucifer trope) (Also exists-- Rose, on pause)

-Mafia/organized crime (This one exists too!! I'm really pulling out all the big guns. Read Carnation!)

If you got this far, thank you and happy reading!

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