Pink Will Always Go Good With Green

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All Credit to Gregory Maguire

If I owned Elphaba Thropp and/or Galinda Upland, you would most definitely know. 😭

Galinda was shaking in fear, crouched behind the old tattered curtain at Kiamo Ko. She squeezed her eyes shut, and wrapped her arms tighter around the Grimmerie. She couldn't move, she couldn't think, she couldn't even breathe.

Elphaba's last words to her raced through her mind and she desperately wished she was anywhere but here. Back at Shiz, when the hatred between the two girls had been at its peak. At the Ozdust Ball, awkwardly dancing with her former enemy. Even back in their dorm room that night, when Galinda had been too afraid to say that Elphie was her best friend.

Kiamo Ko was so horribly musty, Galinda couldn't even fathom how Elphie had been hiding here for the past few years. God, the past few years. They felt like a blur. After Elphie and Fiyero has left, Galinda had been numb. She could barely remember the events that had occurred after Nessa's...well, her death.

A piercing scream rang out and snapped Galinda back to reality. She covered her ears with her hands. It was a horribly high-pitched sound, bloodcurdling, almost. Who was screaming? It wasn't her, and if it wasn't her...

Her hand flew to her mouth. Elphie. No. No!! Elphaba was probably fine. She was definitely fine! It must've been that stupid little farm girl with her dumb dog. Dodo or something? Gah! Who cares about some filthy dog, Elphaba might be in danger, and she had to save her.

Galinda made a split-second decision, and managed to rise unsteadily to her feet before abruptly crashing down to the ground. She attempted to stand again but couldn't make it past kneeling before keeling over. She knew this feeling. It was magic. Elphaba...

Tears suddenly filled her eyes as she realized what had happened. The green girl must've realized that Dorothy was going to kill her and she didn't want Galinda to intervene. Why had she done this?! Stupid stupid stupid Elphaba...

Galinda's chest got tighter as huge sobs wracked her tiny frame. She cried for what felt like forever. She cried for herself, for not trying to stop her best friend. She cried for Elphaba, her Elphie, who was gone. She cried for Fiyero, because even though she had never truly loved him, he was going to be as heartbroken as she was. But mostly, she cried for the wasted years. She cried for her cowardice. She cried at the fact that all that was left of Elphie was memories and a stupid book she couldn't read.

She wanted to die. She wished that she could take Elphie's place. She knew that the Wicked Witch of the West was so much more capable than her. If only the roles had been reversed...if only...if only...

Elphaba rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Oz, what time was it? She guessed that it couldn't have been more than 2 am, so why was their a space next to her?

She rolled out of bed, her anxiety flaring up. Where was Galinda? The blonde wasn't in her normal spot! Oh Lurline, Elphaba hoped she was alright.

As she walked over to Galinda's side of the bed, she suddenly stopped. A small whimpering could be heard. Was it Galinda? Elphaba rushes toward it, only to find her girlfriend in a pile of blankets on the floor.

Elphaba leaned over to tap her and laugh at the fact that she was sleeping on the ground, when the moon came out from behind a cloud. Her body, which was previously invisible, had now been covered in light. Elphaba could make out her glistening tears, her vice-like grip on some random book and her shaking form.

She kneeled down and tapped her girlfriends shaking shoulder.

Galinda's eyes flew open. Where was she? What was happening? She was back in the Emerald Palace, the green a dead giveaway, and Fiyero was there. She was hyperventilating, that was her next discovery. She was still clutching what appeared to be the Grimoire through her blurry vision, and she leaped into Fiyero's arms.

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