Chapter 2: Observation- LVL: MAX

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"Catch." Claire tosses Jack a little keychain.

Jack is only given a second for confusion before a blue box bigger than his freaking torso pops into existence an inch closer than should be possible.

Jack swears on all things holy that the box appeared the way it did because it wanted to leave his forehead red and bruised. Claire, seeing him stumble back like a donkey just tried to bash his face in, freezes in that morbidly curious way people do when they're watching a train wreck.

Even so, Claire's astonishment clearly does not outweigh her amusement, a fact made evident by the booming, raucous laughter that shakes the room mere seconds later.

"Shoot man, you could be a comedian. I'd totally watch you do your little thing." She's wiping tears out of her eyes now. Jack decides he doesn't want to deal with her and looks at the shitty blue box.

[Name: Jack Wilson
Species: Human
Title(s): Drama King, Pervert

Strength — 7
Charm — 15 (-3)
Constitution — 8
Dexterity — 8
Intelligence — 13
Intuition — 12

Observation — LVL: MAX

Remarks: Worse than the average adult human male. Observation is your true gift.

Note: Is the world a single-player game?]


Jack isn't even going to fucking touch the note. In fact, he'll wipe the memory away via blunt-force trauma. Yes, he will do so immediately after arriving home. He might even live to see the return of his reality if he hits himself hard enough; it'll be great.

The glaring lack of skills seems like a potentially thorny issue, but the little remark assuages most of his worries. The reassurance feels a little like a dog being thrown a bone, but Jack will ignore that sensation.

Now, Jack isn't too sure about the quality of his stats, but if he takes the average of his status, he's at a high-ish nine. Given the remarks he's been presented thus far, Jack doubts this thing would've passed up the chance to rub it in his face if he were too far below average, so he's just going to take a shot in the dark and say the average is around 10. A nine-ish out of ten isn't the worst evaluation he's gotten, so he thinks he's staying afloat well enough.

Jack might be getting a little ahead of himself when he assumes that all stats have the same base, but he wouldn't bother with all of this if he thought he was wrong.


[The Uncommon Skill "Prediction" has been obtained!

Related Attribute(s): Intelligence, Intuition

Level: 1

Effects: On occasion, you can accurately predict the intentions of others or the outcome of a situation. (+2 Intelligence, +3 Intuition)

Remarks: Look forward to its evolution.

Note: This skill is passive.]

A new blue box appears, pushing the previous, now fading one behind it. The boxes fade as time goes on?

It stopped fading. Okay then.

Jack taps on the small "close" symbol in the upper right-hand corner. The skill box vanishes and his status reappears in all its vibrant glory. A new line of text was placed below his first skill, with the new one reading: [Prediction — LVL: 1].


"Look forward to its evolution?" Jack murmurs. It sounds a bit ominous, coming from the normally garrulous thingamajig.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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