Best Friends Or Lovers? (Part One)

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A/N I am so sorry it took me this long to upload this chapter. School is literal hell right now, I will rant all about it at the end. there's lots of drama and stuff I just want to rant about so yeah, I apologize in advance for that. anyway, I hope you enjoy...

Betty's POV

Lately, I've been feeling notably strange. I can't quite put my finger on it but something has definitely changed. I keep getting this weird feeling in my stomach but I don't know why. I know I'm not sick or anything but then what could it be?

It started when Veronica, Archie, Jughead and I were all at Pop's after school. Veronica and Archie were sitting next to each other and Jughead and I sat together on the other side. We all were laughing at a joke Archie had just made and Jughead put his arm round my shoulders. This isn't unusual for me and Jughead because we're best friends but when he did that, I looked at him and got this weird tingly feeling. I ignored it at first, thinking it would go away but it didn't.

Other weird stuff started happening as well. The next day at school I walked into the blue and gold room and saw Jughead Typing away on his laptop and without even realizing it I just started smiling uncontrollably. I didn't notice I was until he turned around to face me and asked me why I was so smiley. I was embarrassed and started blushing when he asked that. I quickly told him that I was just happy today and walked further in the room closing the door behind me and sitting down in a chair next to him. I couldn't stop smiling every time I saw him and other people like Veronica and Kevin noticed it too but never said anything.

Now I'm sitting in my room writing down all my feelings, trying to figure out what is making me feel this way. I'm thinking about Jughead and how it always happens when he is there. Jughead and I have been getting a lot closer lately and it has made me realize more about him. Like, when he gets uncomfortable or nervous, he looks down to the ground constantly or he'll start playing with his beanie. And when he smiles it always reaches his eyes but when he fake smiles (which is usually when we're around Veronica or Kevin) it never quite reaches his eyes and he doesn't make any direct eye contact with anyone.

I'm also just thinking about when we're together. I like spending time with Veronica, Archie, and Kevin but a lot of the time I prefer being with Jughead, Just the two of us. Like, the time Jughead asked if I wanted to go to the Bijou with him. I was thrilled about going with him until everyone else found out and ended up coming with us. I still enjoyed it but I had just wished it was the two of us.

whenever I'm around Jughead I feel safe and I can trust him with anything. I feel like he is the only one who always understands me and he knows exactly what to do to make me feel better.

I keep thinking about this and I put two and two together.

I like jughead.

It's now Wednesday morning and Archie and I were walking to school together since we live next door to each other. He is saying something about his music, or football? I don't really know I am too busy thinking about what I learned last night. That I like Jughead. Archie notices that I'm not paying attention and asks about it.

"Hey, betty you ok? You seem a little distracted," he asked but I still wasn't listening, too caught up in my own mind and thoughts. He waved his hand in front of my face, which made me snap out of my thoughts and face him suddenly with a confused expression.

"Huh? What was that?"

"I asked if you were ok. You look very distracted."

"Oh yeah I'm totally fine I was just thinking about......the blue and gold. I, uh, have an article that I really need to get finished quickly. But I'm fine" I replied quickly.

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