3. The trip

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"No, Rebecca, we cannot use your car!" Beth puts her hands in her hair.

"Why?" The woman asks once again.

"Because sometimes you pick our kids up from school and I don't want them smelling whatever we deliver." Annie explains.

"Probably drugs. "Ruby completes.

"I can get another one, then." She smiled then hurries to her car, to get another.


"You got a porche?!!" The girls yell.

"Yeah, you wanted a cheap one?" Rebecca laughs at her friends.

"This will turn their attention to us." Ruby shakes her head.


"So we need to fit in the crowd." Beth tells her.

"People who have nothing to hide don't pretend to fit in." Rebecca rolls her eyes.

"But we do!"Ruby gets scared.

"And they'll see right through it if you pretend to be normal." The Golden girl winks.

"So...we let them see we're not just some chicks."Annie catches on.


The girls got looks of envy and lust all the way to Canada. Eventually Rebecca's friends admitted it was a good idea to take the porche.

Once they got to the location they were told, the man in charge told Beth he refused to give them anything.

"Wait here" she told the girls, taking a golden gun out of her purse, one a lot more feminine than Rio's.

Eventually, they got the package, without shooting anyone. As they began the way home, Ruby began questioning.

"Why do you have a gun?"

"I came prepared."

"How do you have a gun?" Beth asks.

"Please, as if the people I represent are all innocent." Rebecca shrugs.

Indeed, it was true. She had relations with the most illegal people. The ones she used to or is representing.

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