Gold Magic Inc.

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"Hey Charidia, take a look at this." Luxuria said, handing him her phone.

It was the next day. Charidia had been writing some ideas in his notebook when Luxuria called him. He approached her.

"What?" Charidia asked.

He moved Goldie to sit down on the couch. Charidia, having too much sympathy for Goldie, begged Irra to let him be their pet. Irra was a bit hesitant but in the end he accepted Goldie into their house.

"There's been these reports, it's about the artefacts in certain pyramids being missing. I'm surprised it didn't make the local news." Luxuria said seriously.

"Huh. Seeing it's like this, the government probably wants to keep it a secret." Charidia said, scrolling through the news.

"Well, people deserve to know." Luxuria said, grabbing her phone back.

"Hmm.. We could make money, writing about it!" Charidia suggested.

"Ugh, you're starting to sound like Irra. It sucks being a grown up, you know." Luxuria said, standing up.

Charidia looked at her confusingly.

"You have to go to that date today, right?" Luxuria said.

"Eh?! It's not a date!" Charidia said angrily.

Luxuria rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to look for a job." Luxuria said, grabbing her blazer from the coat hanger.

"W-what?! Don't you work here?" Charidia said, shocked.

"Oh don't worry, I'm just hanging out." luxuria said, smirking.

A while after, Charidia had been walking to Avarie's apartment. She had given him the address yesterday, and had already made arrangements.
He was bringing a bag of snacks, as he felt rude to visit someone without bringing anything. It wasn't much, but he thought it would be enough.

He had finally reached the door of Avarie's apartment and just stood there, frozen. so.. could this possibly.. be the first time i visit a girl's house?! Charidia thought hysterically.

Just when he was about to knock, someone opened the door. It was Avarie. Her short blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail.

"Oh, hi! Come in." Avarie said, gesturing Charidia to go inside.

"Ah, H-here you go! It's not much." Charidia said, handing Avarie the plastic bag of snacks.

"Oh, thank you!" Avarie said.

She walked in and Charidia followed her. Her apartment was simple, not much but has a comforting feeling about it. Avarie walked to the kitchen and put the bag down.

"So, Charidia, have you had lunch?" Avarie asked.

"Ah, no.. But, you don't have to-" Charidia said, noticing Avarie was starting to put on her apron.

"No, it's okay. Can i use these?" Avarie asked, holding up the bag of instant macaroni and chips.

"Uh- yeah." Charidia said.

He started looking around the apartment. It was nice and cozy, but not too extra. There wasn't a sign of anyone else living there though, like shoes or pictures.

"Um, you live alone?" Charidia asked.

"With my younger brother." Avarie said as she turned on the stove.

"Oh." Charidia said.

"What about you, why did you come to Egypt?" Avarie asked, as she was stirring something in a bowl.

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