Avarie, The Golden Girl

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Aside from all of that, Charidia did have to do chores and dirty work, like cleaning the bathroom and cooking meals, but they did give him a place to live too. Over and over again, Irra would critique him,
"This is all you've written?" But Irra did nothing. In the end he would say "But this is nice." And everything would go well.

Charidia went on interviews with Luxuria on her motorcycle, fighting Egypt's extreme weather. Charidia would put on his hoodie and they'd blast through the air, it felt heavenly.

Charidia's days were hectic. But for the first time, someone was relying on him. The hot and cold days in Egypt passed in a flash.

The people they interviewed varied, starting from small people to important figures. Irra still wanted to depth on the Midas Touch subject, so Luxuria and Charidia visited a historian today.

"Midas Touch? you would need to visit a Greek historian. I am an Egypt historian." The historian said.

Luxuria and Charidia looked at each other.

"But this is mythology, wouldn't you have studied Greek mythology too?" Luxuria shot up.

"Ah.. well, yes. I do study Greek mythology." The historian thought for a while.

After a little of Luxuria's persuading, the historian started rambling non-stop about the Midas Touch. Charidia was starting to zone out, but he wrote as much as he can.

But of all days in Egypt, the most remarkable was this day. Charidia had been walking home, stopping by an alleyway to see Goldie, his cat.

"Goldie! There you are." Charidia smiled and crouched.

He broke a piece of Goldie's favorite snack bar and stood up then left. After he said bye to Goldie, he heard a man's voice from outside the alleyway.

"C'mon, the bar's right there! Let's go, you'll get paid-" The man said.

"But I-" A girl's voice said.

Charidia braved himself to look. It was the girl that gave him the free burger that night. The best dinner in his life. Surrounded by bar owners.

Charidia went back to the alleyway and thought fast. The street was empty, no one else would've seen them except for him. Is it worth it?

He heard for chattering and the girl's reasoning voice. Just when they got quiet and he heard shuffling voices, Charidia blasted out of the alleyway and grabbed the girl's hand and ran as fast as he could. The girl looked surprised.

"HEY! What do you think you're doing?!" The man said.

Charidia tried to run for his life, but he got tackled and was on the ground.

"Y-you were forcing her!" Charidia said.

"We had a deal, you know! You messed it up!" The man said angrily.

The man was holding charidia to the ground. Charidia grabbed his rucksack.

"GET OFF ME!" Charidia yelled, suddenly pulling out the gun from his rucksack.

They were quiet for a while.

"Hah! What can you do, it's probably just a toy-" The man said, he was beggining to laugh.

Charidia was sweating and breathing heavily. His hands trembling, he pulled the trigger.

Good thing it was aimed right beside the guy's head.

The man looked shocked. he stood up and walked away.

"You could've killed someone!" The girl said, as they were cooling themselves in a nearby park. The weather had been very hot, their sweat was drenching their clothes.

"I didn't know, I found it in a trash can when-" Charidia reasoned.

"You shot the gun!" The girl yelled at Charidia.

"I thought it was a toy!" Charidia yelled back.

"You idiot! You know how dangerous it is!" The girl said.

Charidia had nothing to say anymore. He did know it was risky.

"You know what? That's it. Yhis was stupid, you shouldn't have done anything." The girl said, storming away from him.

Charidia was distraught. He yelled of frustration and threw the gun away to a grass field.

"I'm sorry. Does it hurt?" The girl said, suddenly coming back.

"Not really." Charidia could feel his face reddening.

"You're a runaway, aren't you?" The girl said.

"H- how-" Charidia said.

"I lost my job, you know. That's why I needed a well paid job." The girl said sadly.

"I- i'm sorry! I didn't know-" Charidia said apologetically.

"Oh, it had nothing to do with the burger." The girl was smiling now.

"I'm Avarie by the way. What's your name?" Avarie said.

"C -Charidia." Charidia said. He didn't know why he was stuttering.

"Charidia. That's a nice name." Avarie said.

Suddenly Avarie looked like she had just remembered something important.

"Charidia, you came here because you liked Egypt for it's history, didn't you?" Avarie said, standing up.

"Uh, y-yeah." Charidia said.

"But you're wondering, where has it all gone? Do you want to see something?" Avarie said, smiling excitedly.

Without answering, Avarie had already grabbed Charidia by the hand. blushing, she let go, but let him follow her. Avarie led Charidia to a lake, a magneficent lake that Charidia wouldn't have imagined exist in the middle of the city.

"Watch." Avarie said excitedly.

She squatted down and touched the grass around the lake, then closed her eyes. Suddenly, in a flash, all the land surrounding the lake was turned into pure gold.

Literal pure gold, if you touch the grass, it would crumble into golden flakes. Charidia watched in amazement. the midas touch.

"You know, this used to be a golden mine in the Egyptian kingdom ages. I feel like only i know about this place." Avarie said, standing back up.

Slowly, the golden grass began fading, turning back into it's normal colours. Charidia still stood there, amazed.
avarie sighed.

"It never lasts when I do it here. I don't know why. But I swear I can turn something into gold permanently." Avarie said.

Since Charidia wasn't making a move on speaking at all, Avarie kept speaking.

"So, how old are you?" Avarie asked.

"Uh- i'm- i'm 17." Charidia said.

"Oh! You're younger than me! I'll be... Hm.. 19 this month!" Avarie said, smiling.

"Ooh! You don't look it!" Charidia said, surprised.

"Yes, you must be respectful." Avarie said, laughing.

Avarie was staring into the water. Charidia looked at her in awe.

"Pleased to meet you, Charidia." Avarie held out her hand.

"M-me too." Charidia said, shaking her hand.

part 4!!!!! uwu this is were they get to know each other <3 in the movie this scene was so beautiful i don't think any movie can ever top tenki no ko's cinematography owo

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