A New Job

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Finally, Charidia made his mind up and decided to call. Arrangements were made, and Charidia was to show up to Irra's office-house at 11 this afternoon.

The bus ride there, Charidia heard some kids talking in the back. elementary students. how nice it is to be carefree innocent elementary kids.

He took a peek to the back and saw a boy with black and white hair speak to a girl. The boy was looking smug and playing with the girl's hair. All he caught about their conversation was,

"Okay! See you later!"

Then the girl left, but another one got on.

"Hi Gurra! Glad to see you here!"
my god, he's a player. Charidia widened his eyes.

Finally Charidia arrived at his destination and got off. He walked a few miles to get to the K & I office, but it was pretty quick. The "office house" was a simple house with glass windows stickered with large letters, K & I.

Charidia tried to knock, but no one answered.

"Hello?" He called.

"Mr. Irra, it's me, Charidia!" He called louder.

No one answered. Tired of waiting, Charidia finally opened the door, it wasn't locked. He stepped inside, it was chaos. Paper thrown away everywhere, open books, half drinked beers, literally everything about the house was a mess. But the house had a cozy, welcoming feeling about it. He started to walk around then saw it.

Someone was sleeping on the couch.
She was wearing shorts and a pink spaghetti strap tank-tops. Her hair was long, and weirdly pink. She was pretty attractive, but charidia felt no interest for her.

woah.. could this be? i've never seen a misstress before..

Charidia had caught himself staring, when suddenly the misstress fluttered her eyes open.

"Eh? Oh. Hi!" The woman said as she woke up.

"U-uh, i'm-" Charidia stammered.

"You're the new assistant! Irra told me." The woman said, standing up and stretching her arms.

"What? But I didn't-" Charidia said.

"Yes! Finally! I don't have to do all the dirty work anymore!" She said, then flopping back onto the couch.

"I'm Luxuria. What's your name?" Luxuria said, yawning.

"I- i'm Charidia." Charidia said.

"Oh. Okay. So you'll be our new assistant! That's amazing, we've never had an assistant before. But i guess i'll leave it to irra to explain what you have to do, it's simple really-" Luxuria started, but she suddenly stopped.

"Hey, kid.." Luxuria said.

"Ah- uh, um-" Charidia spluttered.

"You're staring at my chest." Luxuria said with a smirk.

"Whaaat?! N-no! I.." Charidia said, starting to ramble awkwardly.

Thank god Irra came home.

"Oh hi, Charidia! I see you've met Luxuria." Irra said, grabbing Charidia by his shoulders to bring him to the main room, the living room.

"Ah- um, yes." Charidia said, rather quietly.

"So, welcome to our home office. Hope you like it, cause this is where you'll live if you get hired." Irra said, sitting in one of the chairs.

"If he gets hired? You said he's our new assistant!" Luxuria had followed them.

"Well he still needs a little testing, doesn't he?" Irra said, picking up one of the papers.

"So. We write magazines. Entertaiment. I work as the editor and manager, Luxuria as our writer and you, our assistant. Don't worry, you'll get paid too. Also, you'll get a free place to live, free food, free bathroom, and literally everything you need to survive. The key is work well and do your job. You'll go on interviews with luxuria and clean the house weekly. Also cook meals and other house chores like that." Irra explained.

"... Okay. What do I have to do to get hired?" Charidia said, after he processed all the information in.

"I'll assign you a first task. Go on an interview with Luxuria, sum it up, write a report, hand it to me tomorrow. Then we'll see if you get hired." Irra said casually.

"This week's topic is, the Midas Touch. You know, that greek guy that can turn anything into gold with his touch." Irra said.

"But the Midas Touch doesn't exist." Charidia said.

"Oh i don't care. We're giving entertaiment, whether it's true or not!" Irra said.

"Okie-dokie! What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Luxuria suddenly said, already geard up with a helmet and a sling bag filled with gadgets. She pulled him by the arm and they were off.

Luxuria's motorcycle blasted through the hot egypt air as they sped off. Charidia tried to ask where they were going, but the wind whipped his face repeatedly.

When finally they reached a stop, it was a psychic. Of all people.

"Oh yes, the Midas Touch does exist. Only some people possess this rare gift, and it is a 1 out of 100 chance." The psychic said.

Charidia was starting to get bored, but Luxuria was as eager as if she was creating a new discovery.

"But you know, everything comes with a price." The psychic said.

Here we go. Charidia thought, rolling his eyes.

"Everytime someone with the gift of midas touch uses their powers, their body becomes stiffer and stiffer. They will slowly turn into gold, a solid, golden statue." The psychic said dramatically.

Of course, Charidia did not believe any of this. but Luxuria seemed like she was on the verge of tears.

"Do you think i am possess the power, madam?" Luxuria asked.

"You'll know one day." The psychic said.

Charidia and Luxuria left. He had written quite a lot, his hands were hurting. But he had to immediately work on the report, and he can say he wasn't familiar enough with a laptop. He has worked on computers once or twice, but typing quickly on a strange keyboard while being chased by a deadline? Not really his type.

The next day, Irra came up to Charidia and looked at his tired face.

"Only an interview report and you're already working this hard? Hah! This is all you've written? Hm, but this is good. Congratulations, you're hired." Irra said.

"Really?!" Charidia said, awake from his doze.

i got a job!!!! i finally got a job!!! was all his mind kept screaming. a few hours later, Irra came to the office with some drinks.

"Let's celebrate the hiring of Charidia!" Irra said, handing Charidia a can of beer.

"I.. Uh.. I'm not of age." Charidia said, putting down the can with a red face.

He had only turned seventeen a few months ago, anyways. Charidia took a can of apple juice instead.

"To Charidia!" Irra said, and they all drank.

Living with Irra and Luxuria, Charidia felt the best for so long. It was like Egypt finally accepted him. It was like, okay, we give up, welcome to Egypt. Charidia will never regret coming here.

part 3! i told you the the parts would get longer lmao. i stan this trio uwu.

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