apology breakfast

Start from the beginning

she had a habit of chucking things when she was angry . and she was fucking pissed right now.

huffing she quickly stood up and glared at him coldly

"are you though?" she muttered walking over to her bathroom to get ready , wanting to be no where near him in that moment.

slash quickly followed her into the room with a frown 

"of course I am!" he exclaimed getting upset that she didn't believe him

"I just forgot ! I know I shouldn't have , I don't know what else to say than i'm sorry !" he said truthfully.

Casey laughed emotionlessly "you just forgot." she repeated with a scoff

"am I that forgettable slash?" she asked him blankly.

startled he stepped towards her only to feel a sting of hurt as she abruptly pulled away from him , not wanting him to touch her.

he wasn't going to get away with this one so easily.

"that's not what I meant and you know it!" he told her with a sigh " it wont happen again." he promised her honestly.

"you're right it wont." she nodded pursing her lips

"because i'm not gonna wait around for you anymore." she mumbled averting her gaze from his .

"now get out." she blankly said pointing to the door before walking into her closet and slamming the door behind her.

groaning he ran his hands over his face stressfully , panic flittering away in his chest at the thought of her being done with him 

he had really let her down this time .

it was all he seemed to be doing lately , but he didn't mean  it .

despite what she thought he really did love her , and she was all he thought about . even his bandmates got annoyed with him at how much he talked about her in the studio.

he couldn't imagine his life without casey , she meant everything to him and seeing how upset she was made him want to cry .

he had to fix this.

and hour later and Casey was startled at the loud curses and shouted coming from downstairs , throwing the book she was reading down on her bead she quickly hurried out of her room .

thinking that someone had broken into there house and slash was in trouble she grabbed her bat from college before rushing down the stairs .

her heart in her mouth she quickly scanned the front room for intruders only to see it empty and her gaze then flittered over to the kitchen 

"slash?" she called out cautiously lifting up the bat before bursting into the kitchen , her mouth dropping open in shock at the scene in front of her.

"what did you do?!" she screeched dropping the bat in alarm as she looked at the pan that was on fire , smoke quickly filling the room .

stammering slash gaped at his pancakes , or what was supposed to be pancakes that were now on fire blazing angrily , almost as angrily as his girlfriend was.

he had tried , key word tried , to make her an apology breakfast .

bearing in mind that he couldn't even do toast without burning it , but he figured that it couldn't be that hard.

he had watched Casey easily cook  in the kitchen plenty of times , she made it look so easy .

"my pancakes." was al he could muttered helplessly as he watched his girlfriend grab a small fire extinguisher and put out the fire quickly .

it was silent for a few minutes,  the only thing being heard was the couples heavy breathing as slash looked over at  his girlfriend warily.

casey took in a deep breath , her eyes glaring daggers into his as she finally registered the mess of her kitchen 

"are you trying to burn down my house you idiot?!"

she finally exploded as she threw the closet thing near her , a tea towel , at him watching it hit off his head before falling onto the floor.

slash looked at her with wide eyes , still in shock over what had just happened

"I only turned away for a minute!" he tried to defend himself " I was making them for you!"

rolling her eyes Casey laughed

"oh well I guess I should say thank you should I ?!" her voice went high in disbelief 

huffing he threw his arms in the air before letting them fall down by his side with a slap 

"well at least I tried!" he said weakly feeling pathetic as his eyes welled up , all he wanted to do was fix things and he couldn't even do that right!

casey was startled to see her boyfriends eyes fill with tears as he sniffled loudly , everting his gaze from hers in shame.

feeling her anger melt away she sighed , she could never stand when slash got upset , he was like a big child sometimes .

"slash." she trailed off with a frown as she slowly calmed down before walking over to him and putting her hand on his arm so he would face her.

"come on don't cry ." she told him quietly as he peered down at her sadly

"I fuck everything up." his voice cracked as his squeezed his eyes shut tightly

"i'm sorry casey . I really am , I didn't mean to miss our date night and I didn't mean to set the pancakes on fire!" he rambled sniffing loudly .

a small smile tugged at her lips as she looked up at him

"I know you didn't." she said before wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her head to his chest .

"you're not mad anymore?" he questioned as he wrapped his arms around her tightly , pressing his chin onto of her head contently.

"no ." she breathed out with a small laugh "you're too pretty to stay made at ." she joked poking him in the side lightly.

chuckling he breathed out in relief

"thank you." he said quietly pulling away to press a kiss to her forehead before looking into her eyes 

"I promise you i'll try to be better." he told her firmly , there was no way he was ever going to fuck up again .

"I love you ." he reminded her with a genuine smile

" now how about we just order take out and watch a movie?" he offered steeping away from her .

Casey nodded with a giggle "that sounds like a good idea ." she said happily glad that they weren't fighting anymore.

he could be a real pain in the ass sometimes , but he was her pain in the ass.

and despite how much he pissed her off sometimes , she wouldn't change him for the world.

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