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LeaderYong😎: so...

Jeffrey: what

moon🌙: what

Oh Daddy: what

Geesung: wE HOT WE YOUNG


LongAssRide: . . .

LeaderYong😎: lately i have been thinking about

LongAssRide: what

Fullsun: bout what

Kun: could you stop with the cliff hangers?

LeaderYong😎: how could i fuc– flipping continue if y'all would interrupt me

6789TEN: lmao self-censored

SnoopyWoo: okay continue uwu

dyoungie🐰: what if u try to put all of your message on one go?

Fullsun: damn doyoung, he's replying a little late

LongAssRide: did he actually do it?

Oh Daddy: i'm speechless

dyoungie🐰: . . . .

Fullsun muted dyoungie🐰

Fullsun: i believe prevention is better than cure

Kun: and you mean..?

LongAssRide: he's gonna start singing 'Speechless' again isn't he?

Kun: what?

Kun unmuted dyoungie🐰

LeaderYong😎: okay sure, so i have been thinking, what if i make an instagram account?

6789TEN: so you have been typing the whole time
6789TEN: and ended up with one sentence?

Fullsun: lmao
Fullsun: types slow
Fullsun: like the grandpa he is

Banana: hmm, well jeno also types like that

Fullsun: then he is a grandpa trapped inside a 19 years old's body

DolphinLe: jisung too?

Fullsun: 🤷🏻‍♂️

Kun: no tae
Kun: don't make an instagram account

LongAssRide: woah why

Jeffrey: i was thinking of making it too actually

Moomin: lmao, says the one who has an instagram account

LeaderYong😎: why kun?

Kun: oh please
Kun: no one knows what you could've do in that site
Kun: you could fill it with ur face
Kun: and go live every damn minute
Kun: and spill secrets in the live
Kun: not to mention that one time ten and yangyang was live and was talking about babies
Kun: bABIES! u Hear Me tAe?
Kun: tHey'rE tAlKing abOuT HaviNg a Baby and YaNgYaNg saId nO One kNows wHat CoUld HappEn
Kun: he is a baby himself but he's talking about having a baby
Kun: see?
Kun: that app is bad

DolphinLe: oh wow, kun ge is not a grandpa trapped in a 24 years old's body! 😲

Geesung: damn lele, you couldn't just butt in like that

DolphinLe: watch me

LeaderYong😎: hey
LeaderYong😎: you have an instagram ur self

Kun: u know what?
Kun: forget it

LeaderYong😎: yay!
LeaderYong😎: wait
LeaderYong😎: forget what?


dyoungie🐰: i'm seriously concerned about everyone's behaviour

moon🌙: i know, i think we should get them checked

LeaderYong😎: what do you mean?
LeaderYong😎: my kids are perfectly mentally stable

moon🌙: sure

dyoungie🐰: then explain how the hell did chenle and jisung ended up in the laundry machine?

Jeffrey: wait what?
Jeffrey: taeyong...?

LeaderYong😎: well
LeaderYong😎: i told them to take a bath

Kun: in the laundry machine!?

LeaderYong😎: nO No wAiT sHhh
LeaderYong😎: so they didn't want to move their butts so i told them to get someone to bath them
LeaderYong😎: and i didn't thought that they'd actually use a laundry machine.

Oh Daddy: can't deny, well, the laundry machine will do the work once u get in
Oh Daddy: it will wash and soap you and then wash you again
Oh Daddy: it can also dry you if u want
Oh Daddy: while you just seat there and brace your self from spinnings :>

moon🌙: don't tell me u tried it before??

dyoungie🐰: no wait, don't actually speak

Jeffrey: i'll do the honors of sending y'all in the mental

6789TEN: someone tell me why i'm dating him again

i'm so sorry if this took
too long _
just know that 我爱你们 ٩(˃̶͈̀˂̶͈́)و

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