Chapter 10

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The day for Shinso and Hiori's "date" soon rolled around.

You woke up early that day since you couldn't sleep well the night before. You found your legs instinctively leading you towards Shinso's room.

You lifted your hand hesitantly to knock.

"What are you doing?" A deep voice behind you asked.

You whirled your entire body back in surprise.

"N-nothing...!" Your voice trailed off as you saw the boy's purple hair wet and down all over his face again.

You were in awe, he looked really good whenever his hair was like that, though it wasn't as fluffy looking.

"Hmm?" He watched you in suspicion.

"I was just bored. Have fun on your date." You teased.

"It's not like that. You were the one who asked me to do this. I'm doing this for you okay?" He frowned.

"I could be doing other things on my weekend you know?" He added, wiping his hair.

You nodded as you felt guilt lap on your heart like the ocean waves on a sandy beach.

"Now move aside, I need to change. Unless you'd like to watch?" He teased you back for revenge as he smirked at you.

"W-what?!" You flushed red as you hit Shinso repeatedly on his chest.

He grabbed your wrists and stopped you making you even more nervous.

"Keep it down you lovebirds, or the whole Neighbourhood's gonna hear." Aizawa called from downstairs.

You moved aside, yanking your hands away from Shinso somewhat reluctantly.

Shinso sighed deeply and went to change.

He came out in casual clothing with a hoodie but he looked really good. You couldn't help but stare.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He remarks.

"Oh shut up." You spat.

He took a step to go downstairs but for some reason you grabbed him by the sleeve of his hoodie.

He turned to look at you, curious.

Deep down you knew you didn't want him to go, you wanted him to stay with you. You didn't want to see him with someone else.

Maybe you were just being selfish. Shinso was the first person to treat you with kindness. He saw the good that was in you and didn't abandon you, he stayed by your side and became your hero.

"I..." you began.

You let go of his sleeve, "nevermind, have fun." You gave him your most convincing smile.

Shinso looked at you in surprise. He was worried about you but he didn't know how to ask you about it. In the end he just nodded and left the house.


"You didn't go with Shinso?" Aizawa asked while flipping through the paper.

"No, he's going out with someone else today." You sighed.

"Are you jealous?" He asked.

You nearly spat out the water you were drinking.

"W-what? Jealous? No way." You laughed hysterically.

Aizawa eyed you from the couch.

"Do you...have feelings for Hitoshi?" He hesitantly inquired.

Your mind went blank for a good amount of time as you struggled to find words to say.

"I...don't know?" You shifted uncomfortably on the spot.

"I don't know what love is supposed to be. I never really understood it since I had no family or friends."

Aizawa signalled for you to come over and sit on the couch.

"It's something you need to really ask yourself. Do you feel happy whenever your with him? Do you prioritize his happiness over yours?" He lectured.

Everything seemed to check out. Maybe you did love him, but the more important question is did he love you back?

"You should tell him how you feel." Aizawa casually suggested.

"W-what?! way...I don't even he feels" your voice trailed off as you stuttered through your sentence.

"Really? But he hangs around you all the time and he seemed so reluctant to leave today. He's always concerned about you and talks about you to me all the time when you're not around. So I'd say there's a good chance he feels the same way."

You blinked several times in confusion and shock as you tried to soak in everything he just said.

There was a chance Shinso liked you too? Were you really confident enough to take that chance? You asked yourself these questions repeatedly as the two of you sat on the couch in silence.

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