Chapter 6

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The weekends rolled around and you got the pleasure of sleeping in. You curled up in your blanket and yawned.

However a crestfallen expression soon befalled your face as you heard loud knocking at your room door.

"Wake up. Sleepy head." Shinso called.

You grumbled and dragged your feet across the room as the thought of not being able to sleep loomed over your head like a dark cloud.

The door creaked open and you saw shinso already neatly dressed and ready to start the day.

You on the other hand had messy hair and wrinkled clothes. Your eyes were like lead curtains, ready to close at any time.

"What is it...? Why are you even up so early on a weekend..." you mumbled.

"I need to go buy some groceries for dinner tonight and you're coming with me."

"Why do I need to follow you?" You protested.

"Because Aizawa won't be at home today and I'm not trusting you to be alone in the house." He glared at you harshly.

Knowing you couldn't say anything to that, you reluctantly headed to bathroom to change and get ready. Aizawa had got you cute new clothes since you came here and it would be a waste not to wear them despite your distaste to girly clothes.

You stared at Shinso as he studied your outfit. You felt embarrassed so you looked away coyly.

"You look fine, Aizawa has a great taste in fashion despite his appearance, let's go." He reassured.



"By the way, you've never shown me your quirk before."

"Tch. I hate my quirk and I'll never use it. It's troublesome." You snapped.

"But if you don't use your quirk, you'll never get transferred to the hero course and you'll be stuck in the general course." He smirked at you.

"Don't you want to be a hero?"

Those words struck you hard. Your eyes widened and you stopped walking.

"We're no different from those in the hero course. We have the same potential, just because they're blessed with more offensive quirks doesn't make them better than us."

You looked at Shinso wistfully, searching for something in his eyes.

"You more than anyone should understand, you can be a hero. Your quirk is amazing and if anyone should be in the hero course it's you. Not some reject like me." You looked away.

Shinso stood speechless in front of you. It's very rare for someone to encourage him like this, he's been dealing with ridicule and fear from his classmates for a long time. Yet you spoke so freely and kindly to him.

After a long silence, he spoke. "You're not a reject."

"That's not what my parents thought." You clenched your fists.

"What happened?" He asked quietly.

"Ever heard of quirk marriage?" You spat.


"I came from a rich family, they're known for their strong quirks being passed down to their children. My father had a light using quirk and so did my mother."

"They've had 2 children before me and they all inherited my parent's light using quirk. My parents had a strong sense of...'justice'...they prided themselves on how they used the light to fight the darkness. Unfortunately for them, their gene pool wasn't as pure as they thought because I was apple that fell far from the tree."

"I had a different quirk from them, one that didn't come from either side of the family, a mutation."

"I had a quirk that let's me control the darkness. My family saw this as a horrific break of tradition. They called me a cursed child, a villain. Just because they associated my quirk with evil, so they threw me in an orphanage where I was given the same horrible treatment by those hero worshipping children."

You felt your throat close up as you tried your best to hold back your tears.

"I want to be a hero too...someone like All Might, someone like Aizawa." You clenched your chest tightly.

You couldn't hold it back anymore, your tears trickled down your face and fell to the floor, almost like a light drizzle on a gloomy day.

A pair of warm hands soon found their way around you. Shinso pulled you into a warm embrace.

"It's your quirk. You should be proud of it, you're blessed too. With the talent to become anyone you want, to go anywhere." His low voice and comforting words resonated within you, making your heart skip a bit.

Usually you'd despise this type of physical contact, but maybe just this once.

Maybe just becasue it's him.

You wanted to stay in his arms forever.

"We have to go, or my old man is going to get mad at me again for being late."

You wiped away your tears and nodded. Feeling embarrassed having been held by him like that for so long.


"Thank you for the dinner." You chirped.

"No problem but why were you and Shinso out for so long? Were the two of you on a date?" Aizawa teased as he sipped away at his coffee.

"W-what? No. It's not like that." You blushed.

"Hmm, I see. I hope Shinso takes good care of you though." He smiles.

You nodded and whispered softly.

"I want to take care of him too."

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