Chapter 1

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"Got it." You whispered as you snatched the purse of a screaming woman.

You darted off as the woman yelled for help.

Passerbys soon noticed the ruckus and began calling for heroes too.

Damn it.

The situatian was getting out of hand. You had already chosen to do your petty theft in a more deserted part of town and yet there were still crowds of people.

You didn't worry too much, you doubted a hero would appear in this part of town so quickly.

Upon reaching an ally way, you decided to catch your breath. You leaned back against a wall and panted, putting your hands on your knees.

"Damn, why am I so unfit." You complained.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps, someone was coming.

You immediately stood up. A shadow was approaching but since the ally way was so dark, you couldn't make out who it was.

The dim moonlight finally revealed a purple haired boy and he was wearing the well-known U.A. uniform.

Upon closer inspection, he was about the same age as you and he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Ah crap, it's one of you guys." You gagged.

You hated heroes, they were nothing but a bunch of sick people, helping others for money and publicity. Disgusting.

Which was why you chose to go down this road. You had a shifty eye redolent of years of petty theft and crime. But that didn't matter to you. Nothing did. You felt alone in this world, you were fighting to survive at that point.

The purple haired boy finally spoke, "so it was you that's been causing so much trouble here."

"Yeah? What's it to you?" You growled.

You were too tired to continue running, so you were ready to resort to fighting this boy.

The boy let out a sigh.

"Why do they always have to be so difficult?" He whispered.

You were outraged. Who was he to talk to you like that?

"Excuse me--?" But before you could continue, you found yourself to be frozen in place. You couldn't move, talk or do anything.

What was going on? Why couldn't you do anything.

It's was your body so why couldn't you move it?

Your quirk. You tried hard to use it to escape but to no avail, your body was not in your control.

"Give me the purse." He muttered.

And just like that, you walked towards him, you tried to struggle but to no avail.

You handed him the purse and he gave you a push, hard enough to make you fall.

You landed with a thud and you gained control over your body again.

"I suggest you go home. Your parents are probably worried, and if I ever see you here again, I'll call the police." He warned.

"Tch." You clicked your tongue in annoyance.

You just sat there. You had no where else to go and this was usually were you stayed.

You decided to just wait for him to leave or something.

But he didn't.

"Don't you get it? I'm letting you go." He huffed.

You gritted your teeth. You wanted nothing more than for him to just go away.

You balled your hand into a fist.

"And don't you get that I have no where to go?!" You yelled.

Tears started falling down your face. You tried your best to stop them or wipe them away but they just wouldn't stop.

You've always been sensitive even though you were a recalcitrant person who had a penchant for landing yourself in trouble.

You didn't want to cry in front of anybody. You hated feeling so vulnerable.

The purple haired boy was taken aback, he didn't expect you to cry. He felt rather guilty, making a girl cry, even if she was a villain.

He approached you slowly. You tried to back away out of anger and fear.

But he simply held out his hand.

"Come with me." He plainly stated.

You were hesistant. Your hand was halfway to his.

You'd like a place to go to but you didn't want to trust him.

"Why should I?" You retorded.

"Stop asking so many questions." He reached for your hand gently and pulled you up slowly, being careful not to hurt you in the process.

Having his hand on yours honestly felt quite nice. Mostly because it's been years since anyone has made physical contact with you, also because this was the first time a boy ever held your hand but you tried to push that embarrasing thought out of your mind.

His hand was warm. You were enjoying it so much so that you didn't even realise you were gripping his hand gently too. But reality slowly set in and you pulled away after realising you probably held his hand far longer than you should have.

You glared at him and tried not to let your gaurd down again.

He studied you for awhile unsure of why you were so angry with him.

He walked off, expecting you to follow. And to your own surprise, you did.

You two eventually arrived at a house. You assumed this was where he lived.

Before he unlocked the door. You stopped him and asked, "are you seriosly letting a villain into your home?"

"Are you seriously trusting a hero?" He said with a smug look on his face.


You clicked your tongue again and entered the house.

"You can stay here tonight." He offered.

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