Thought Spiral 1

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What the heck do windows do?! How have I not thought about this before? Do they just make your home feel...homier..."Homier" that's not even a word. Are they there for decoration? Do we really need windows? Who even came up with the idea of windows? Were windows even a good idea? people could literally break them and get into your home and maybe steal your pie. Wait...pie? I don't even like pie, but I still wouldn't want someone to steal my pie. 

Bagels with peanut butter is good. Wait...instead of saying pronouncing bagels like bay-gils, we should say baggles instead. It's so much more fun. Wait..who decides what's a word and what isn't a word? Like, can I say that baggles is now the new name for bagels and somehow get it in the dictionary. Wait a minute...who wrote all them dictionaries? Why would you even write a dictionary. Whoever wrote all them dictionaries must either have a lot of time on their hands or they're getting paid a lot like I mean A LOT. Yo quiero quiero dinero. Ay! 

Speaking of dinero, who came up with all these languages? Were we just cave people sitting around making random noises then we taught other cave people the random noises then gave those random noises a meaning? I kinda want to go back to being a cave person. It sounds like fun.

Oh my raccoon butt! I wanna go back in time and meet Abraham Lincoln! I could wear his hat and not feel tall anymore. Every time I'm with my friends, I feel tall. I'm always the tall one. Why can't I be short? Being short sounds like fun. I'm tall and skinny. Why?! I don't even have curves! Unless my baby-back short ribs poking through my skin counts as curves. Or the way my shoulder bones protrudes through my skin. Like, hey, you wanna see my butt bones grinding together in my attempt to shake what my momma gave me which is absolutely nothing.


                                                THE END OF MY WEIRD THOUGHT SPIRAL

                                             Smile, it's beautiful just like you💖💗💞💚💛💘

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