Chapter 15: Preperations

Bắt đầu từ đầu

         “Um, can I get water?” I said.

         “Can I get lemonade, and I’m ready to order.” Alfie said.  

Brittany nodded her head, and wrote in her notepad.

         “What would you like for lunch? Are specials today are the Philly cheesesteak and the jumbo burgers.” Brittany said.

         “Can I get the Jumbo burgers, with fries and ketchup” Alfie said, handing his menu to Brittany.  She nodded her head, and then wrote his order on the menu.

         “Can I get the Philly cheesesteak,” I said, handing my menu to Brittany.

         “Okay, I will be back with your drinks in a moment.” Brittney said.  Alfie and I just nodded.

         “So Alfie, tell me something new.” I said.

          “Well, I don’t have AIDS, HIV, or Herpies, and I didn’t get anyone pregnant.” Alfie said.

         “Congratulations,” I said not really sure what else to say.

          “But really Alfie, what’s new?” I said.

         “Well, since you keep pestering me, I guess I can tell you. Aaliyah, I’m...”

Ethan’s P.O.V

         I was working on a couple of last minuet documents when someone knocked on my door.

         “Come in” I yelled.

         “What do you want Stacy?” I asked going back to what I was doing before. 

         “I was kind of expecting you to call me, but you never did. Why not?” Stacy asked. 

         “I didn’t call you because I don’t have a reason to call you.” I said. Stacy walked behind my desk, and sat in my chair.

         “What are you doing?” I asked.

         “Ethan I know you want me, you don’t have to deny it anymore” Stacy said.

           “Stacy you have 30 seconds to get out of my office,” I said.  “When I come back, I expect you to be gone.” I said.


I went to Aaliyah’s office, but she wasn’t there. She’s probably at lunch. I hope she’s not with that Trevor dude. I feel like she could do so much better. I feel like she should be with me. Ever since our first encounter, I can’t get her off my mind. The way she talked, the way she smelled, I was getting hard just thinking about her, and the amazing sex we had. If there was one thing I could change, I would probably change the fact that I don’t know her that much. But next week I will get to know her better, hopefully she will give us a chance.



I had just gotten home, when I walked through the door.

         “Hey babe get ready, we have a dinner to attend.” My mom said.

         “Do I really have to go?” I asked.

         “Of course, I haven’t seen you in what seems like forever. I just want to spend time with you and Cece.” My mother said.

Forbidden Office Love(BWWM)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ