An Easy Victory Royale

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Leon charged towards Nito while shouting and swung his sword, aiming for his head. Right before the blade struck Nito caught it and broke it in half, Leon's face went completely blank but after a while, he regained emotion and unsheathed dagger from his waist. He mumbled something and started to glow while getting faster, catching Nito by surprise he took advantage and inflicted a scratch on his face. Also, taking this as an opportunity, Richard and Rothhall attacked Nito by doing some weird combo move while Leon kept slashing at Nito's face.

"Annoying" Nito simply said and the whole atmosphere changed, a very powerful dark aura started emitting from Nito and the adventurers were frozen in place. Nito walked to the kneeling Leon and just slapped him, his head flew straight off and splattered across the wall now smeared with brains and blood.

Richard's eyes were a waterfall and he kept screaming while crying "MONSTER!" Nito walked over to him and started to taunt him as he grabbed Richard's head.

"It's not my fault he was weak, seriously I had higher hopes," Nito said while squeezing his head, making blood start streaming from his eyes, mouth, and ears. He then just ripped it from his body, his spine still attached. After throwing it aside he strut towards the final brother, Rothhall. After seeing both of his brothers killed he was traumatized and just stared at their bodies with wide eyes and his mouth wide open.

Nito laughed at the stupid expression on his face and ripped him apart limb from limb, starting with his legs he did it slowly and painfully enjoying the screams from last of the triplets. Now done killing the comedians he decided that he would also kill the slave girl Cecily just because of how stupid she looked with that emotionless face.

As Nito made his way to the last of the party, it seemed as if she started to realize something. That she couldn't die here, that she had to do something important and she absolutely could not die here. She knew that her attacks would have no effect so she tried talking her way out of this situation, as soon as she opened her mouth she found her tongue had been ripped from her mouth. Nito thought about keeping her alive for some 'exercise' but he remembered he was a skeleton now and he had no little buddy anymore. "I'd rather not know my victim's life stories, it makes it less fun that way," Nito told her as her corpse collapsed to the stone floor. "Tibia clean up the mess," he ordered.

"Yes my lord" replied the robed skeleton as he used some fire magic and burned the bodies to a crisp, he then yelled for some skeletons to come here and clean up the blood. Nito followed the trail of skeletons on the ground that the band of adventurers had killed earlier, he was led to a staircase. Nito climbed the staircase and was greeted by a large opening, it seems he's found the exit.     

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