Chapter 13:the chunin exams first round

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It was the beginning of the chunin exams and gennin team's from every single village big and small were there. But just before team 7 could make it there they were stopped by the gennin from the hidden sand village. Konohamaru sarutobi had bumped into kankuro who as we all know hated kids. Granted he acts like one himself.
He was just about to punch Konohamaru in the face when sakura and Hinata show up to save him and sakura said.

Hey you!!!. Put down Lord hokage's grandson right now!!!. "

And kankuro said.

Oh really???. So this little brat is the hokage's grandson you say huh???.
I don't give two shits if he was the hokage's grandnephew!!!. He needs to pay for running into me!!!. Besides temari gaara isn't here yet. We have plenty of time before... "

Just as kankuro was talking temari said.

" what they garra isn't the only person we should be worried about!!!.. It's him!!!. The anbu in the black and yellow mask!!!. It's the yellow lightning fox of konoha!!!."

And kankuro said.

"What are you talking about temari???. Who exactly is this yellow lightning fox of konoha anyway???. I've never heard of him."

Just then Naruto showed up and threw a hiraishin kunai past kankuro and temari disappearing in a yellow flash and reappearing with a frightened gaara and irritated sasuke uchiha. Gaara was wrapped up in chain's made of pure chakra and sasuke was being held back by Naruto.
Naruto then threw sasuke at his teammates and said.

"Stay out of trouble uchiha..or else you will be joining your father in the afterlife. Your coming with me one tails. That's right. I know your a jinchuriki..because so am I.
I could sense your tailed beasts chakra a mile away. You really should do something about him and that temper of his. You might just kill the wrong people. But it's not your fault. Whoever used a poorly designed seal like that is to then. What do you say we put down the hokage's grandson before I put you down into the ground shall we???. I won't ask again."

Naruto then activated his yellow lightning style chidori flash jutsu. Temari went reaching for her battle fan but before she could grab it an arrow went flying past her head as Hinata said.

"Don't even think about it. Last chance to put Lord hokage's grandson down.. Or die."

Kankuro then said.

"Fine. But what about our brother???. What will you do to him???."

And Naruto said.

"I'm taking him back to the uzumaki clan task force headquarters to repair and possibly replace the seal used on the one tails. With a more stable seal.there is a reason why we uzumaki were so feared.
It's because we have the abilities to seal away anything or anyone's chakra. These chain's I'm using are doing exactly that.
Sealing away the shukaku's chakra until I fix the seal used to contain it. Until then this will have to do. Sealing art: five elements seal!!!. Fuin."

Gaara then fell limp as Naruto assured them that he would be fine and he would just need some rest after the seal was fixed.
Gaara would wake up the next day feeling well rested and able to control his tailed beasts power. Naruto had gotten back to his family compound and immediately rushing to his mother said.

Mom come quick!!!. We got ourselves a code red one of nine!!!. A poorly designed seal containing a very cranky racoon!!!.subject is the kazekage son Gaara.get the sealing chamber ready and inform nagato that we need his help!!!. "

Kushina then rushed over to Naruto and said.

I'm already aware of the situation. Sarutobi explained everything to me. Keep him steady while I get nagato. That kazekage was a fool!!!. He should have contacted Jiraiya immediately!!!. Not did it himself!! "

Nagato then walked into the room and said.

You called for my assistance lady kushina???. What seems to be the... Oh no. Please tell me that isn't the unstable one tails jinchuriki I've heard about???. Step aside. Hmm.. I see you immediately placed the five elements seal on him until you got him here Naruto. Very smart of you. Let's begin the resealing process."
Naruto then went through a set of hand seals and said.

Wood style:tenth edict of enlightenment!!!. "

Ten wooden poles then rose out of the ground with an alter in the middle of it. Naruto then had the wooden restraints wrap around gaara's arms and legs holding him and the one tails in place. Kushina then broke the older seal that barely held the one tails in place and immediately started working on the new seal which was a six pronged seal with a suppressing seal to help slowly filter the tailed beast chakra into gaara's own chakra. Similar to the kyuubi's seal without the after effects like dealing with the death god and losing your soul afterwards. Gaara was then released as the one tails fell asleep inside it's new cage gaara then woke up the next day and was escorted to the hotel he and his siblings were staying at before the chunin exams. Orochimaru's invasion plans were already falling apart at the seams he just didn't know it was over before it's even begun yet.

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