chapter 6: search for the remaining uzumaki clan members

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Naruto and jiraiya were currently in the land of grass country. According to the maps location hide outs for the uzumaki clan one of them was right in the hidden Grass village. Her name is Karin uzumaki. And she's about to be rescued from a terrible person. Orochimaru.
Karin was being dragged off to a place where people like her are sold for various reasons. It's what was known as a human slave auction.
Just before orochimaru could save Karin with his snake a fox the size of a German Shepherd appeared to protect her from the greedy men. This was naruto's animal companion kasumi.
Over the last year kasumi had grown quite large and naruto was now able to ride on her back. The last thing Karin heard before passing out from shock was a man in a black and gold fox mask that said.

"Yellow Lightning style: duel chidori flash!!!."

The masked man then charged towards the greedy men and rammed the lightning style technique through their chests. Jiraiya then showed up and said.

"If you want to live before even bigger trouble show's up come with us and we will explain everything to you.
Your Karin uzumaki correct???."

Karin just nodded her Head yes and said.

"Yes I am. But how do you know that???. I've never met either of you before."

The masked man then said.

"Jiraiya quit stalling and get her out of here now!!!. Orochimaru is on his way here to collect her!!!."

Jiraiya then put on a serious expression and said.

"Alright up you go. And hold on tight. Don't worry. Kasumi is friendly. She's not going to hurt you. That Man over there. That's her master.
Kii raiton kitsune. And he's also an uzumaki clan member of the hidden leaf.
Well.. half uzumaki. Kasumi!!!. Get her as far away from here as possible!!!. We'll catch up with you later using the hiraishin technique!!!."

Kasumi nodded and in a burst of speed leapt on to the rooftops and over the wall of the village. Orochimaru then showed up moments later just as jiraiya was about to leave with naruto. sadly naruto had no time to mess around with the snake sannin and grabbed jiraiya using the hiraishin technique teleported out of the village.
Orochimaru had missed his opportunity to gain an uzumaki clan member for his village. He then cursed whatever God was protecting the uzumaki clan members that remained and swore he would find out who that masked man with jiraiya was. Orochimaru then said to himself.

"Curse you jiraiya and your untimely luck!!!. I'm not sure who that man with you was but he shall suffer my wrath as well!!!. I always get what I want. And I want that uzumaki girl for my village!!!."

(Meanwhile with Karin and kasumi.)

Kasumi had stopped when she felt that they were far enough out of the village and orochimaru's reach to take a break and wait for naruto and jiraiya. Naruto and jiraiya then appeared in a yellow flash as jiraiya fell to the ground vomiting for the first time in so many years.
He couldn't remember the last time he's had that technique used on him with minato.  Though he was surprised how much farther naruto could teleport then his father was able to. Naruto then removed his mask and said.

"Oh get over it jiraiya. Your a sannin and have been through far worse. Hello Karin. I'm naruto uzumaki namikaze. And my mother was Kushina uzumaki. The princess of the uzumaki clan Royal family. And your my cousin. Karin. I'm making you an offer to join konoha and help me find the rest of our clan using this map I have. If you know anyone else from our clan in hiding please let me know and show me on this map."

And Karin said.

"Just how exactly do you expect me to believe your an uzumaki if you don't have our clans signiture red hair???."

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