The Will

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 He was still sat in that chair, fiddling with his umbrella, staring thoughtfully into space. He was unsettled, like the day he told me about Eurus... my mother. I could feel it coming, another bombshell.

"Well?" I asked, initiating the conversation.

He looked at me then. His expression telling me all I needed to know. You're not going to like this.

"Lord Melbourne's will isn't entirely accurate. You see he did leave you something, that's why your name is mentioned."

I did find it strange my name appeared in the will for no other reason than to call me a treasure.

"Years ago, Lord Melbourne had an affair. At the time he was married, with children. The woman he was secretly seeing ended up pregnant and she had a child, his child. The baby was your father."

I was quiet. Processing it, thinking. "Huh," I replied.

"From what I understand, Lord Melbourne tried to play as much a part in his son's life as he could, he even paid for him to go to university, but it was difficult keeping such a secret from his family. And then, Matthew fathered you."

Like father, like son, I thought, but I never said that aloud.

"By this point, Matthew was demanding access. He must have gone to his father for help, or at least told him about the situation. I told them you were safe and settled with a new family under a new name. That didn't stop Lord Melbourne from finding you, tracing you to the theatre. He knew he couldn't reveal himself, it would expose his affair, but he remained close to you, watching you grow up from afar."

That explained a few things, like why he only appeared to take an interest in me, having me play the piano for him, coming to all my recitals. All this time, we had been related.

"It's just never-ending with you, isn't it?" I replied.

"I'm sorry I never told you, I didn't think it would end like this."

I took a deep breath, my body aching "So, the will, explain it to me."

"It hasn't officially been read, and the copy we have is incomplete. He's left you something, only we don't know what exactly, yet."

"What could he possibly leave for me? Do you think someone found out and that's why I'm here?"

Mycroft's grip tightened around his umbrella, as though he was strangling it. I imagined him wishing he could strangle the person who had done this to me. He was troubled by all this. I was too. For once, he didn't have all the answers, and I think that scared him. Someone made an attempt on my life. They could very well do it again.

I would be relieved once the will was read and everything could be sorted out. If Lord M's kids wanted all his wealth for themselves then they could have it. I wanted no part in it. I simply wanted to be left alone...

When all was said and done, Mycroft left. I was alone again in my hospital room. The Doctors wanted to keep me in another night because my blood pressure was high. Personally, I think it was Mycroft wanting to keep me here, most likely hoping I was safer here. After my visit from Moriarty during the night I doubted very much that I was safe.

I lay awake, unable to sleep, my mind racing. I kept watch of the door, waiting for it to open, for someone to enter. A friend, maybe, the woman? An enemy, Sebastian Moran, Paul Smith, him... Moriarty. I'd give anything for John Watson to walk through the door and tell me he's staying to keep me company. Lord knows I could do with some.

I pushed back the covers, feeling reckless. I unconnected myself from the wires attached, hoping I'd have enough time to make it to the window and look outside. My legs felt like jelly, my side was aching, but I made it. There was a full moon, and lots of twinkling stars, some helicopters too.

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