VII. In which there is food and song

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Rána sat astride a spare horse, and rode into Rivendell amongst her kin. The Dwarves were huddled in a group and she jumped down from her horse. "It's fancy seeing you all again." Her voice was light with laughter. All the Company's members whirled around to look at her. "Rána!" Fili cried happily. And she giggled before slipping past the Dwarves and bowing her head to Lindir, who returned it with a bow of his own head. "Lindir, mae g'ovannen" Rána said with a smile. Lindir smiled and answered. "Mae g'ovannen" He said. A snort behind Rána drew her attention, and she looked behind her. "I don't understand anything they're saying lad, why ask me?" Balin said to Ori. Rána laughed softly. "We were merely greeting one another, Ori, Balin." And with those words said Rána turned around again. That was when Lord Elrond walked up. Rána smiled when she saw him greet Gandalf, and Lindir smiled along. Lord Elrond said something soft in Elvish, only for Lindir and Rána to hear. And together the two Elves walked off. "Lindir, it has been long" Rána said, ignoring the cries of protest from the Company. "It has indeed Eleniel, follow me please, your room changed locations." Rána let out a soft laugh. "It is Rána now Lindir, and why doesn't that suprise me?" "Quite possibly because you knew it would happen one day. Rána suits you." Lindir showed Rána to her room and left her to clean up, walking up to meet Lord Elrond in preparing some things.

When Rána was done taking a bath, and had dressed in new attire, she walked towards Lord Elrond's chambers. She knocked on the door, unaware of the argument going on inside between two Dwarven friends. "Who is there?" Lord Elrond's voice answered her knock. "Rána" she said. "Come in, dear Rána." So she did. Rána walked into the room with a smile. "My lord" Rána said politely, dipping her head, and then she added "Thorin, Balin, Gandalf. It's nice to see you all."

"Show him the map Thorin" Gandalf pressed. Thorin looked as if he had just swallowed Orc-dung. "Thorin, if you were to put you trust in anyone. Any elf capable of reading this map. Then Lord Elrond is a just choice" Rána told him softly. And when he did not answer, nor did he give the map to lord Elrond, she added: "Thorin, please, have I led you astray before? Have I not been loyal to the company?" And so Thorin sighed and nodded, silently handing the map to lord Elrond. And Balin made a "No" squeak before silencing himself.

Thorin shot Rána a look, and she understood. She was no longer wanted, he would have rather had Fili and Kili with him than her. So she politely dipped her head and left the room. Shutting the door behind her she started off towards the courtyard, and scaled the apple tree in the middle skillfully. Not noticing she had an audience she started signing a song of old. While plucking an apple from a branch.

"Home is behind,
The world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread,
Through shadow,
To the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.
Mist and shadow,
Cloud and shade,
All shall fade,
Shall fade."

A soft clapping sound made her look down, only to see Bilbo Baggins at the base of the tree. Rána smiled. "That was lovely lady Rána, where did you learn that song?" he inquired. Rána climbed down before answering. "It was part of an old tale back at my home, about a young Elven maiden who wished to travel the world. But she faded away of heartbreak before she really had the chance." Bilbo nodded solemnly. And Rána smiled softly and offered him an apple. And so he took it.

And together, two figures up in a tree, enjoyed their apples and traveling tales at the light of the setting sun.

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