Snowly kisses<3 +1!

Start from the beginning

"Are you going In," a bulky voice behind us said.

I snap my head to the right surprised of a person standing right next to me.

I guess I forgot what I was doing, curse my forgetful memory.

The owner of the voice was Michael the schools pretty boy and player.

He could make any one fall for his mesmerizing good looks, especially his crystal clear blue eyes.

His hazel brown hair slightly reached his eyes and was messy as always. His torso was incredulosly built showing you he had a six pack by the slight bulges In his black jershey. His body also equiped light blue jeans, and a pair of nikes.

"Actually we are," I say matter-of-factly.

As I reach for the door It swings open hitting me In the face.

I topple backwards landing flat on my butt.

I blushed, embarassed, and stand back up.

"Sorry," A student says holding back laughter.

I beam at Taylor and Michael as they guffaw at the incident.

They immediatly exchange looks of laughter and silence themselves.

Before I enter the classroom I readjust myself.

To my luck the bell rang about 2 minutes ago so now I was considered late.

I grabbed my things off the ground and enter the room.

The teacher, Mr. Shuester, gave me a disappointed look and directed me to a seat with his finger.

He did the same with Taylor and Michael.

I made my way to the ancient wooden desk and sat down.

"Now that everyones here I can continue, since today Is the last day until winter break I arranged a few things for you guys to do. They're are snacks In the back of the room," He pointed to the back of the room as everyone looked In that direction, "and games In the front." He redirected his finger to a pile of games and a boombox."

"Now I'd like you guys to have fun and don't make to much of a mess," He gave us all a grin and shooed us from our desks.

As everyone scrambled around the room a good portion of the class lined up at the snack table.

"Well If It isn't the two loners In the school," Summer, the head cheerleader, said.

"What do you want," I growled.

"Oh nothing, just thought you'd like to hear me say I hope you have a good winter break after today."

Her words wandered into my mind, What could she have possibly meant?

I shrugged It off and continued to the party.

"Just ignore her she's just to fed up with herself." Taylor whispered.

And that was true she was she was the female version of Michael. I exhaled deeply.

Taylor's face automatically lite up.

"Um.. Taylor what are you thinking?" I say biting my bottom lip.

"Nothing In particular just thinking about a small prank to pull on Summer thats all." She said with an evil grin.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her sudden prank.

"Well remember that glass of cranberry juice I accidentally brang for lunch?" she continued.

I nodded watching her curiously.

"Well that stain never comes out. If I could just grab her bookbag maybe I can pull off the plan."

Snowly kisses&lt;3Where stories live. Discover now