When They Are Jealous

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Modern au


You and your boyfriend Caspian were shopping for his birthday party. You parted ways and each went to take something different from the shelters, but suddenly a young man, you assumed he was your age, came near you and helped you take something from the top.

"Thank you. " you said and showed him a grateful smile. As you went to help Caspian pick party decorations, the man started following closely behind you.

"I'm Charles, by the way. Nice to meet you... Uhm, what's your name?" he said getting in front of you, holding his hand in the air. You tried to tell him you were sorry, but you weren't interested in him and he still insisted that you two get to know each other, even if you backed away.

Caspian pulled his shopping cart near the two of you and glared at the man, the glare being returned by the other. Charles told him to leave because he was already having a conversation with you, but Caspian only put one of his hands on your waist and took you away from him. After the incident Caspian never let you get away from him, ever.


Peter decided to take you to the cinema for your first date and you were very happy about it. When the two of you entered the building a stranger was looking in a creepy way at you, but you weren't actually bothered, after all why would you be when Peter was by your side? Without even noticing, the stranger started talking to you out of nowhere when Peter went to buy snacks. Even if you tried your best to get rid of the man, you didn't. Not even when you went to the bathroom, because he waited outside the girls section.

"Y/N, where are you?" you heard Peter say and finally gathered courage to leave the restroom. He had his arms full with food and candy, looking more like Father Christmas then a teenager. You told him about the stranger and he wasn't quite happy about it.

The movie had finished and the creepy man was still looking at you. Peter was already over with this rubbish and went to tell him to leave you alone. After that he indeed did leave both of you alone, mostly because he was afraid of what Perer might do to him.


One of your exs came to a party that you and Edmund attended. Of course your boyfriend wasn't really sure about his intentions, but you assured him that he had changed. He now had a girlfriend of his own and probably didn't want to lose her, just like you didn't want to lose Edmund. He agreed with you and then left to get some drinks from the bar.

Your ex, Harry, took advantage of this and got closer to you, starting a conversation. The discussion quickly went from a normal one to one where he was telling you he still loved you dearly, even though he was the one that dumped you in the first place. You told him there was nothing more for you two out there in the world and that he should concern about his actual relationship.

Edmund saw what he was doing and without thinking twice, he punched Harry in the face. Your mouth fell open and you started to laugh hard, as you and Edmund sprinted towards a taxi at the end of the street. He told the driver where to go and then looked at you giggling. It was a really funny night.

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