First Impressions

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It happened in Prince Caspian.

When you two met he thought you were one of his uncle's spies and nearly killed you on the spot. For a lot of time he didn't trust you, until you risked your life to save him in the battle. His first impressions weren't really good, but he changed his mind over time and started talking to you quite a lot, at the end you two becoming best friends.


It happened in Prince Caspian.

Even though he didn't trust quite a lot people, but he saw something good in you that attracted him, even if you were Caspian's sister. You were always there for him in hard times and Peter appreciated that. His impressions were good and didn't change over time, not even when you two argued after Tha battle.


It happened in Prince Caspian .

He was the most annoying person you ever met in your whole life, calling him an imbecile almost every day. Edmund thought you were a mental deflected woman and never liked you and your feisty attitude. Somehow at the end you found a way to agree, on the fact that Peter and Caspian were like two five years olds when arguing. His impressions weren't really comforting, but changed at the end.

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