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(I have to add this because it feels really weird to get comments like 'wtf is this?'

This is an Age Regression book, that means that in this story someone regresses into a childlike mindset to deal with stress/trauma, it is nonsexual and sfw there is nothing sexual or gross about dealing with things that have happened to you.

I would like to ask nicely that if you don't like these things that you don't read it or even if you do decide to read it, please don't leave hurtful comments. I work hard on these stories.

I hope you enjoy ❤️)

The time was around mid March where in a small village, all were asleep except for one who never seemed to sleep at all. This night was much like any other for Senku Ishigami, he stayed up until around sunrise, gave himself less than an hour or sometimes, no time at all to sleep and then it was back to work.

Senku was currently working on a method to safely filter water for the people of the village so that it would be safe to drink. He was starting to get frustrated, this little assignment that he'd given himself had gone on for many nights, almost a week now. He hasn't slept a wink since he started working on it.

Senku's tummy growled, he was so hungry. It was growing near four days since he'd had a bite to eat and he was starving. His stomach was so empty that it was starting to hurt.

He sighed as he tried to stop focusing on how malnourished and exhausted he was, he tried to filter the water again. The result was once again, a failure.

"Damn it." Senku huffed, weakly fighting for the strength to sit up and not succumb to his drowsiness.

He looked up at the sky, which was something he did when he felt stressed. Senku never really understood why he did that, it just happened. The stars shown in the clear, night sky. The infinite universe looked so beautiful, even from the far away.

As Senku looked up, he thought of his father. He missed him. His dad used to tell him all these stories about people that went up into space and taught him lessons about all the stars and planets. He didn't care if he was adopted, he knew deep down that he loved him as much as he would have if he was his real father.

Senku shed a few tears, eventually, he couldn't hold it all inside anymore. He was tired, in pain both physically and mentally and he was hungry. He tried to hush his own cries to no avail.

Not very far away, someone nearby heard crying. It was none other than Gen.

At first Gen was fed up with the sound. Then he realized what it was, he looked outside, over to Senku's hut to see the poor scientist, leaning against his work desk in pure agony.

Oh my god, Gen thought to himself. Senku needs help, I think I'm the only one that can hear him.

The mentalist quickly slipped on some more appealing clothes and ran out to check on Senku.

Once he got over to the scientist's hut, he softly knocked on the door, being sure not to intrude. "Senku, it's me." Gen said, in a soft, comforting tone. "May I come in, please?"

Senku immediately tried to stop crying and to the best of his ability, look like his normal self. He answered the door. "Oh, hey Gen. Is there something I can help you with?"

"There most certainly is, Senku. You can tell me why you were crying so that I can help you." Gen said, putting a hand on Senku's shoulder.

Senku knew that this probably wouldn't work but to spare time some embarrassment, he was going to try. "Me, crying? Oh no, Gen. That must've been Chrome or Kohaku." He lied.

Gen sighed. "Senku, you're lying to a mentalist about emotional pain, how far did you really think you'd get with that?"

"Okay, fine." Senku admitted. "I was crying."

Gen gave Senku an encouraging smile for telling the truth. "Let's sit down and talk about it, okay?"

Senku nodded in agreement, the two of them sat on his bed.

"What seems to be the matter Senku? Don't try lying again, I can tell if you are." Gen warned.

"I'm just really tired, Gen. I haven't eaten or slept in around four days and also, I kinda..." Senku stopped, he couldn't bring himself to say the last part.

"And you what, dear? It's okay, I promise not to tell." Gen soothed.

Senku took Gen's hand and squeezed it before saying, "I really miss my dad." He said, starting to cry again.

"Oh, honey." Gen said, rubbing Senku's back. "It's okay, let it out, Senku." Gen encouraged, letting him cry on his shoulder.

Senku felt so weak and helpless, he really didn't want Gen to see him like this but at the same time, feeling someone hold him again felt great.

After Senku calmed down a little, Gen got Senku two apples to eat along with some water, since he was so hungry.

Senku thanked Gen for the food and happily ate it.

"Senku, I have some questions for you that may be difficult to answer. If you don't want to answer any of these, let me know, okay?" Gen offered.

"Ask away, I can handle it." Senku said confidently as he bit onto one of his apples.

"Alright, here goes. What's the part that you miss most about not having a family?" Gen asked.

Senku's heart skipped a beat, he was embarrassed to say, but a promise was a promise. "Probably the feeling of having no one to lean on, no one there for support. I miss being held, being told that everything will be okay." Senku answered.

Gen's heart broke at Senku's answer, but he continued with his next question nevertheless. "Senku, do you ever miss your childhood? Do you ever wish to redo parts of it?"

Senku thought about his answer. "I swear mentalist, if you tell anyone this I'll never forgive you but yes, I was around the age of five when I was adopted, the years before that were absolute hell." Senku replies.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Senku." Gen said. "What do you miss most about those five years that were taken from you?" He asked.

Senku laughed at himself a bit for his answer he came up with, but it was a true one. "I miss the fact that I never got to be a toddler. The moment they found out you could walk at that place, you were basically all on your own after that. Nobody wanted to adopt a toddler, everyone wanted a newborn." Senku answered.

"So you were mistreated?" Gen asked. "Or would neglected be a better word?"

"Neglected sounds more like it." Senku answered honestly.

"Senku, I think I may have just the solution for you, but I don't think you'll like it." Gen said. "I highly recommend a month off from any kind of work or otherwise stressful activity, along with age regression."

Daddy's Little Scientist (Nonsexual Age Regression)Where stories live. Discover now