*•.¸♡ chapter three

Start from the beginning

by now she knew that, despite her adorable appearance and the charming way she'd introduced herself, lisa was not at all a force for good. she had more or less directly told luna that it was far more than a coincidence than she knew all her secrets and that if luna wanted them to stay secret, she had better do as she was told.

what exactly lisa wanted her to do was yet to be revealed. lisa had told her something along the lines of how she 'wanted you all together first. we can't start the game before all the players are ready'. luna had begun asking her what she meant, who these other 'players' were, but all lisa had said was, "player number two should be easy to find. since i'm being nice, i picked someone who you wouldn't mind telling your secret to too much, seeing as you did promise to tell each other everything" before the app closed and luna was returned to her home page. she had tried to open the app again, but no matter how many times she clicked the icon, nothing happened.

now, she entered her form room, ten minutes before registration was due to start, which would be followed by the form time they had with the year above. before sliding into her seat, she saw him. the boy who lisa had no doubt meant when telling luna about player two. the boy she'd sworn to share everything with. her probably only real friend in the world.

"luna, thank god. there's something i need to tell you."

(¯'*•.¸,¤°'✿.。.:* )

"you'll probably think i'm crazy," will continued, forcing himself to keep his voice down so no one else could hear, "but just listen. this morning -"

"there's an app with a cartoon girl who knows all our secrets!" luna burst out.

will was speechless. she knew? lisa had said something about there being other people she was blackmailing (because surely that was what she was planning to do to him, right?), but he had been too upset about the video she'd shown him to fully comprehend what she was saying. he managed to pull himself back together enough to say, "yes! you too?"

luna nodded enthusiastically. "mm-hmm! what do you think she wants from us?"

before will could reply, he heard his phone ping. he was going to ignore it – he had bigger things to worry about than someone liking his latest instagram post – but luna actually grabbed his phone from his pocket and shoved it into his hand.

"look at it! it could be her!" she exclaimed, receiving a couple of odd looks from their classmates. will switched on his phone to see a message that read, 'good job. two down, four to go.'

"what now?" luna asked, just when another notification appeared.

'ready to meet player three? look up.'

they did as instructed in time to see a girl with black, blonde and light green hair and extremely stylish glasses rush into the classroom, looking panicked. will recognised her as umber agnesies, the girl who'd won that county art competition last summer, and the girl who luna was so often telling him about.

wordlessly, luna and will looked at each other, instantly knowing that they were thinking the same thing. they walked up to umber, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. it seemed unlikely that umber entering the room just as lisa had told them to look for someone was a coincidence, but they couldn't know for sure.

"hey, umber," said will, which seemed to surprise her. he supposed that they hadn't talked much before, and she had already looked pretty skittish.

"hi?" she said, drawing out the syllable as if she was uncertain about how to pronounce it.

"just checking in..." wow, wasn't he doing just an amazing job at acting natural? "um, so what have you been up to? just, random question, did anything at all weird happen to you this morning?"

"i guess," said umber, and will hoped that her expression was one that meant, 'is he talking about the app but doesn't want to just come out with it because he's worried that i won't know what he's talking about? but what if i'm wrong?' as opposed to, 'why is this boy that i hardly know acting so weird?', as at least the former would mean that they were on the same page.

"because luna and i were just talking about this weird app that -"

before he could get any further, luna shoved her phone in umber's face. "do you recognise this app?" she asked. "the one with the japanese title?"

"yes!" umber said, looking relieved. "i just found it on my phone this morning, and there was this girl..."

"...that knows all our secrets and is probably going to blackmail us!" will whisper-shouted, knowing how ridiculous this would sound to anyone who hadn't experienced what they had, but unable to fully contain his emotions.

"i'm so glad you found me," umber said. "lisa told me that i had to find the other people she'd spoken to, but i didn't really know where to begin." she looked like she wanted to say more, but stopped herself, her eyes dropping.

"me too," luna smiled. "so we're up to three now, and i think that means we're halfway there?" she quickly filled umber in on the notification will had received. "do you think that means we're going to get another hint now?"

just then, someone standing behind them spoke up, making them all jump. (now will could better understand how he had shocked umber before.)

"i don't want to be that person, but mr khurana will be here soon, and you probably don't want to let him see you on your phones after the bell rings." 

it was everybody's favourite person, neptune lai.

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