Teske de schepper - Rewritten

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i can tell you've lived by the marks on your skin.
these are like the pages of a book.
the marks beside your eyes let me know that you have smiled.
a little more than i ever could.

and i know that you can't sleep at night.
for the hollow bumps beneath your eyes.
tell me more than stories ever could.

you are not a etch-a-sketch.
these marks engraved upon your flesh.
are indeed what make me love you.

and i want to

read you like a book so
let me take a look inside
your little head.
'cause you don't need to be rewritten
if you could only listen
i would tell you this
you don't need to be fixed

one thing that i know
when a heart is always closed
no-one can get in
they just get out

so here i am stuck in between
won't you hold me close and see
i will heal you if you show me how

and i want to

read you like a book so
let me take a look inside
your little head
'cause you don't need to be rewritten
if you could only listen
i would tell you this
you don't need to be fixed

and i wish you would notice
i would never let you go (never let you go)
and i wish i could show you
it's okay to take it slow

read you like a book so
let me take a look inside
your little head
'cause you don't need to be rewritten
if you would only
listen i would tell you this
you don't need to be fixed (2x)

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