2.4 The Dinner Party

Start from the beginning

Duke Briovalin, or Bradford Briovalin (What a name), had always hated the late head of House Giandim, Leon Giandim, for various reasons. Before anything remotely close to the present occurred, the two had been close friends in Bradford's attempts to gain connections to become the heir of House Briovalin. Sadly, their friendship didn't last as they both became infatuated with the same woman. Marianne Frechest, Renaut's mother who she had seen be beheaded. They socially destroyed each other in attempts to gain her attention until Leon and her married, leaving Bradford bitter. It also explained why Marianne was the last alive in the Giandim castle. He wanted Marianne to suffer like he did when she rejected him. In other words, he's a fucking Nice Guy. They were always around.

Anyway, then there's the FL, Adelaide. She was the same age as Renaut but their personalities were so different you'd get whiplash when looking at the two of them. Or maybe that was favoritism talking. Adelaide was a spoiled brat, the little princess of House Briovalin and she knew it. Arrogant, overbearing, and just down right annoying. Anything she wanted, she'd get. Little Adelaide was also incredibly vain. There were multiple reports in which she'd humiliated other girls at her so-called Friend Tea Parties in front of other young ladies who had befriended her out of fear. Originally, Turaya was just going to leave this FL be because she felt sorry for adult her. It wouldn't hurt to discipline her a little, right?

Then there was the oh-so instrumental Edric, the eldest son of Duke Briovalin's. He, to put it into his own father's own words, was useless. He wasn't smart, he wasn't strong, and he was terrible at making connections in court. Which was why he wasn't inheriting the dukedom, but his younger brother was. It was a stain on his reputation that he could never get rid of. Not that it was the only stain. Edric was a horndog. He could barely think with his head, so he instead thought with his dick. All brothels in the kingdom had him as a regular and he was a terrible sucker for a pretty woman, to the point that he would trip over himself to offer one anything they wanted as long as he got a peak under their skirts.

And as far as Turaya was concerned, she was the current prettiest face in the kingdom. An easily manipulated, horny, sucker for a pretty face, rich boy. In other words, the perfect target for Turaya to get eyes into House Briovalin and a cash cow.

Then there was the King and Pope. Both of which were bald.

She didn't need to know anything else about them, they would die the worst. No questions asked.

To add context to Brooke's hatred of bald people, that would come in a later chapter. All that need be known at the moment is that bald people sacrifice their hair for power which they abuse.

"We apologize for our tardiness, the royal palace is so splendid that little Renaut got distracted." Turaya's sweet voice cut through the tension of the dining room, a gentle smile on her face as she was led by the maid to the dining table, Renaut in tow. She got Renaut comfortably into his seat before taking her seat elegantly. Her seat was right across from Edric and in perfect sight of all three big players of the room. And Edric was already drooling. Excellent.

King George was first to speak. "It's quite fine. Children are prone to being distracted. I believe we haven't spoken before, Miss..."

"Tua Giandim. I just recently returned from my abroad studies, Your Majesty."

"I never heard of the Giandim's having a daughter named Tua." Duke Briovalin cut in, eyeing Turaya cautiously. If such a person could get two world-class assassins to execute themselves like that, what else could she do?

Tua tipped her head to the side curiously. "I had no idea you were so versed in the issues of my family, Duke Briovalin." Her voice was laced with subtle ridicule.

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