2.1 Vampiric Elder Sister

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Brooke slowly opened her eyes to the pastel bedroom she had begun to consider a 'home base' of sorts. The familiar voice of her System greeted her.

[ Good morning, Host! The upgrade was successful and I now have various new features! Would you like to hear about them? ]

"Do you actually remember them?"

[ No! But I will eventually! ( ^∇^) ]

Brooke could only sigh and shake her head. Well, at least Jules was honest. She could respect that.

"What's our next mission?" She yawned out, rubbing her eyes. It felt weird being back in her original body.

[ I'll give you the Main Tasks now! Please wait for a moment! ]

The task board Brooke remembered showed up once again, seems to be a different color for whatever reason. She only remembered it being white, now it was red.

1. Keep the ML from building a harem. No killing allowed.

2. No drinking blood! You have a human diet.

3. Bring the noble house of Giandim back to its former glory.

Before Brooke could question what was up with the second task, the world went black.


When Brooke awoke, she found herself in a strange situation. In the middle of a magic circle. Most likely made of blood and a chanting, screaming woman. Actually, there was a lot of blood in this room. The walls, carpet, furniture. Jesus. What happened

"Empress! I beg of you! Take revenge against those cursed Briovalins and protect my son! Please! I give up everything! As long as they are put through hell and back! Curse them! Curse them! Curse-"

The woman's screams of hatred were only halted by her losing her head. Okay. Pretty metal and mental. Where exactly is this? The plot already seems thick as hell.

"You'd think on her last breath the bitch would be praying to God. Instead, she's calling upon the cursed ones."

"All we came here to do was get rid of the Giandims for good, not question their faith. Let's go."

"What about the kid?"

"What about him? He'll die out in the cold with that blizzard."

"We should still make sure."

Well, while those two gentlemen discuss killing a child, Brooke decided to read up on this world and the body she was currently in.

The name of this body was Turaya, a vampire of. . . that's a big number for age but okay. Over her centuries of living, people had come to believe she was a goddess of sorts. So she was a vampire with a cult. Fun. To be specific, she was the most powerful vampire with a cult. Known as the Empress Vampire, she has more abilities than the common vampire and doesn't have to drink blood to survive, though it would make her more powerful the more blood she drank. She would also have moments of Bloodlust Fever if she hadn't consumed blood for a long period of time.

Turaya had an interesting personality. She had a very neutral outlook on life, which often gave people the impression that she didn't care or she was cruel. She was simply apathetic, or lazy as shit either could apply. On the other hand, she adored cute things and was loyal to her followers if they were loyal to her. Her dream? To be able to retire into slumber after completing this stupid request. Where did it explain why vampires could be summoned with blood circles?

Oh, here it was. Due to becoming bored with how slowly the world changes with nothing new to do with their immortality, it was normal for vampires to retire into a hibernation-like state for whatever amount of years they felt like. The only way to wake up a vampire from this state was to use a blood circle that was made overly complicated for the simple reason that vampires hated having their sleep disturbed by others. This sounded like a dream, sleeping for years on end. Brooke would probably still be tired by the time she woke up. Probably.

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