Rage and fear for her gripped him.

He had no control over what happened next.

His rage pushed his usually dormant Destroyer powers into high gear. His eyes turned black-not his irises, his entire eye and the Daimon whose fangs were buried in Alli’s neck immediately turned to dust.

His other adversaries were attacking him but he felt nothing. Nothing other than that primary rage.

He disposed of the other Daimons quickly and eagerly to get to Alli.

When the last of the annoyances was gone it only took one look at the unmoving figure of Alli on the blacktop for his rage to subside and his fear to take the pilot seat.

He hurried over to her, already cursing the Fates if they had taken her life. He dropped to his knees beside her-into blood. Her blood that had been spilt when the Daimon had been disintegrated.

He felt as thought there was a hand around his heart, crushing it as he pulled her limp body into his arms. He sought her pulse and was relieved when he found it. Weak and unsteady but there.

Alex unzipped Alli’s jacket and placed his hand on her chest.

God I hope this works, he thought as he let healing energy flow into her.

He waited in agony for her to open her eyes.

And when she did, he thought he had never been so happy in his life.

“Alex?” she said, her voice raspy.

“Oh God Alli,” he said and buried his face in her neck.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow.”

He pulled back immediately. “I’m so sorry. Gods I am so sorry that you had to be involved in this. I never wanted you to be hurt.”

Alli smiled up at him. “It’s not you fault. Don’t even bother to argue. They were after me even before you told me what you were.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

She had the grace to look contrite. “I didn’t think it was important. The first time I saw them they were coming after me when I took your bike for a spin.”

“Damn. You should have told me. What if they had gotten to you then Alli?”

“They didn’t,” she said and then moaned in pain.

Instantly he dropped the whole thing. “Tell me where you feel the most pain,” he said urgently.

“My ribs,” she answered. “One’s broken.”

“Are you positive?”

“Yeah. It isn’t the first time I’ve broken a rib. I know the pain.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. And this is gonna hurt like a bitch.”

“What are you-,” she began but he had touched her, just below her breasts and let healing energy flow into her once more. This time he directed it toward her broken ribs. And it did hurt like a bitch.

What Alli felt was her rib being set and healed in a matter of a few seconds along with all her other injuries healing too.

“Fuck!” she said as her breath came out in a rush.

“It’ll be okay. Give it two minutes and then you’ll feel as great as friggin’ gold.”

She didn’t respond as she was consumed by intense pain.

Dark-Hunter One-Shot :) Ash & Tory's sonWhere stories live. Discover now