Chapter 2

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It was at that point that Alex and the rest stopped behind them.

“Who are these people?” Ally asked, her eyes trained solely on Alex.

Alli pulled her best friend back. “He’s mine,” she whispered in her ear. Ally arched a brow at her and Alli shook her head. Ally laughed.

“Alright then. So, introductions.”

Alli introduced them and Alex was introduced last.

“Wait,” Ally said. “As in the Alexandros Parthenopaeus?”

“Is there another?” Alex asked. “My name’s kinda off. Blame my parents.”

Ally turned to Alli. “Damn girl. Lemme guess. You’re racing him?”

Alli shrugged. “Yeah. But come on. When am I gonna get another chance like this?”

“You’re not.”

Alli hugged Ally again. “I knew you’d understand.”

“How is it that the girls know about this and we don’t?” Darius asked.

Ally answered this time. “Because you all are idiots and we follow because of Alli. Yes, I am a bitch. You’d do well to remember it and not piss me off.”

“Yeah, and guys, she’s the nicest of the three of us,” Alli said.

“Since when? You were never harsh,” Trevor commented.

“Sure I was. After Dave that is.”

All the guys except Alex glared at Dave. Dave glared at Alli. Alli shrugged.

“You’re coming with right?” Allie asked Ally.

“Hell yes! I’m not gonna miss that.”

“Then vamanos,” Alli said. “Alex?”

Once again, they set off to meet Alex’s idiots. The only difference now was that Alli now walked with Alex.

“So how come you’re into racing?”

Alex looked down at Alli before answering her question.

“My dad rides. He absolutely loves riding and he used to take me on his bike when I was little. I fell in love with the speed and the thrill too. When my parents saw how much I liked riding, they asked me if I wanted to enter a couple of competitions. So here I am now.”

“That’s cool. So who are your parents?”

Alex smiled. “Acheron and Soteria Parthenopaeus.”

She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Can your family get any more Greek?”

“Nah, don’t think so. But being Greek absolutely rules. We never not have food.”

Alli laughed. “That’s some seriously bad grammar.” Then something hit her. “Did you say Soteria Parthenopaeus? Like formerly Soteria Kafieri? Dr. Kafieri?”

Alex looked at her confused. “How is it possible that you know who my mother is?”

“It’s true? That’s so freaking cool. I know because I follow her work. I’m interested in anything related to ancient civilizations. Like Greece and Rome…and well…Atlantis. I’m really interested in her research.”

“Would you like to meet her?”

Alli stopped dead in her tracks. “Are you for real? I’d love to. You’d really do that for me?”

“It’s not that big a deal. My parents are here. When they find out about the race, they’ll probably come to lecture me. You can meet her then and probably set up a proper meeting.”

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