ex boyfriend (part 3)

Start from the beginning

"And what?"

"And he saw my recent searches were about him. But it wasn't me. Bomi and Eunji stayed the night before and they were just reading news about him since he got out of the army."

"Ah shit, that must have hurt his ego."

"He just got really mad as soon as I came home and he wouldn't," you shook your head as you say, "listen to a single word I say."

"You know him long enough to know he's been through quite a lot of manipulative dishonest girlfriends," Youngbae replied. "But I know you're nothing like them."

"He just thinks I'm like the rest of them and it kills me," you said. It was quite nice talking to Youngbae, you weren't ranting to him to get his side here but it was just nice talking to someone who knows Jiyong almost as well as you do.

"You're nothing like them, we all know that," he said. You smiled lightly, always appreciating the positivity he tries to bring wherever he goes. "Have you heard from him?"

"Tried sending him a message today, yet no reply. I called him multiple times the past week and no replies. I wanted to go to his place but the paparazzis have been tailing me like crazy ever since the news broke out."

"Understood. I'll try and talk some sense into him this afternoon, I'm going to YG in an hour. He should be there."

You closed your eyes as you asked Youngbae how his tour was, and you reminded him how insanely proud you are of him for selling out all his shows. As you were talking on the phone with him, your phone kept on vibrating notifying you have messages unread. "Oppa, I'll let you do your stuff, okay? I'll talk to you later? Someone's trying to message me."

"Oh okay," Youngbae said. "It was real nice talking to you. Its been awhile."

You ended the call and you saw messages from Taeyeon. Yet again, you were quite disappointed it wasn't Jiyong reaching out to you.

Friday, 26 November 2019

12:08 pm

Taeyeon: You're really on a social media detox, huh?

Taeyeon: Go on your instagram now

Taeyeon: Open your goddamn phone

Taeyeon: Why can't I call you

Taeyeon: Are you on the phone with someone

Taeyeon: He must be nuts

You: Is this about Haneul again

Taeyeon: No

Taeyeon: Worst

Taeyeon: Kiko

Your heart dropped to your stomach as you read that name. What now? What did Jiyong's ex do?

Your fingers typed rigorously on your phone screen, trying to log back in to your Instagram. You have thousands of notifications from it including new likes, new followers and a massuve amount of mentions. You went to your homepage and searched for Kiko's instagram.

For a second you thought this was some sick joke. The world felt like it stopped momentarily, you felt sick to your stomach. Without realizing, you're choking down a sob. Kiko's latest post was of two hands intertwined, you could see one very feminine lady like fingers with manicured nails and the other fingers hit close to home. You knew very well of whose fingers that was on the picture. The PEACEMINUSONE tattoo making it more obvious.

She just posted this picture a couple of minutes ago and have already received tons of likes. So this is where he has been? Back to his ex? What is he even trying to do? Besides what the hell is Kiko doing in Korea? Is Jiyong insane? A minor hiccup in your relationship leads him to his ex girlfriend that have ruined all his trust in people?

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