fight (part 2)

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Its been almost three or four days ever since you last saw Jiyong on that Saturday morning. Its Tuesday morning and surprisingly, you loved the vibe you were getting into. The sun shined perfectly, not too hot yet not too cloudy - the weather was just right. There was a peaceful silence as you wait for your water to boil for your morning coffee.

You told him you wanted space, some time to think about what he had done. Often you find yourself thinking, are you overreacting? Should you really put him through such misery because of one drunken mistake? He'd text you a couple of times in a day; asking you how you've been, reminding you of how much he misses you but he understands the space you're asking for, sometime he pleads so that the two of you could meet and talk it through like real adults but you always found a way to refuse, something you thought you couldn't do - refusing to what Jiyong wants. You'd also wonder what if he found someone new to fool around with in the past few days? Would he really? You would always scoff to yourself for being that insecure and start thinking that way because you knew he loves you and he wouldn't do that, not now at least.

Despite how shameful you feel, but you'd read articles about him everyday. Some featuring you too, discussing what he's been doing lately and most articles are wondering where you went since you barely left the house in the past week. Jiyong has been busy with variety show shootings, radio shows and he's been busy in the studio too.

These couple of days seemed like a month not seeing him. He started sending flowers everyday since Sunday. You loved flowers, you have 4 huge bouquet of flowers (one from Youngbae) all around the house and it smelt wonderful. He would deliver food to your place, he knew you always forget to have your meals on time. 

You waited for your coffee to cool down, sip it slowly savoring the tasty flavors. You wanted to go for a walk in the neighborhood, getting some fresh air is always healthy for the mind and the soul and you needed that. 

As you were walking around, you noticed that the neighborhood wasn't as crowded like it normally was, you loved it. You stopped by a coffee shop to buy a piece of bagel because you felt hungry. You had to take off your face mask and slid it under your chin so the cashier could understand what you wanted to order, but then you heard gasps from the corner of the shop, peeking and it was three high school girls looking at you with their phones out. They recognized you instantly. You just smiled politely, not knowing what to say. As you waited by the counter for the server to warm your bagel, the three girls approached you.

"Unnie, can we take  picture?" One of the girls asked, too timid to even look at you in the eyes.

You giggled and smiled at them, even though you wanted to say no badly because you knew if they uploaded these on their social media - there would be numerous articles or comments about you. She seems happy now! We all think she's moved on from G-Dragon! or crazy ones like, Were they even together? How can she look so happy after breaking up with GD, maybe their whole relationship was a set up!!!

You took selfies with them one by one, they all smiled and thanked you. You spoke faster than you could have think it through, "Do you guys mind not uploading those on your social media if you're thinking about it? I'm so sorry, I don't mean to be rude but I'm currently at a time where I would like to stay off the media.."

The three of them nodded, all of them eyed you with pity? "Unnie, we hope you and Jiyong oppa work it all out," one of them kindly said, "He always seems so radiant when you're around, we hope whatever the articles online say aren't true."

You smiled and thanked them politely for understanding your situation, "Thank you for understanding, guys. It means a lot. We would be okay."

They excused themselves and walked out of the coffee shop, waving at you as they smiled so brightly as they look at their phones. You chuckled to yourself, why would anyone even want to take pictures with you? It seemed silly to you because you had no achievements in the entertainment industry nor you wanted to be in it, but ever since dating Jiyong, there would be girls that say that they loved you or your sense of fashion, some would even be thanking you for taking care of Jiyong. Although there were many that sent death threats, but you knew it was all part of the package of dating a Kpop idol.

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