ex boyfriend (part 2)

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You've been so occupied with meetings and getting ready for tomorrow's photoshoot that you didn't realise that it is already half past 5 in the evening. You didn't really think much about the Kang Haneul articles, or else you'd be to overwhelm to function today. You were quite nervous of how Jiyong would react and have decided against texting him about them.

Friday, 19 November 2019

5:33 pm

You: Babe, are you already at my apartment?

You: I'm pretty much done with work. Just packing my things and heading home in 5 mins

You: Let me know if you want me to get anything

You: Taeyeon is dropping me home

After packing all of the documents you've signed on, you were waiting on Taeyeon who was packing her things too.

"You think he's going to care about it?" Taeyeon suddenly asked.

You groaned, "I don't want to think about it. Jiyong's been quite moody today. He was quite upset when people asked us for pictures throughout breakfast. I don't know how he would feel about it."

She chuckled, "I don't think its going to be pretty."

You shook your head, knowing exactly what she means, "I'm just hoping he won't know about them until I tell him?"

Taeyeon started walking out the glass doors of the office as she looked back, "You're dating the Kwon Jiyong. Of course, he has seen the news."

You bit your lip, knowing she was right. You look down at your phone as you entered her car, still no response from him. He could be sleeping since he said he was tired. You decide to send him a couple more messages to perhaps lighten up the mood?

Friday, 19 November 2019

5:40 pm

You: Is you sleeping bebe

You: Miss youuu

You: Can't wait to cuddle withchu tonight

The traffic jam made the car ride home half an hour longer than what it should have been. Jiyong hasn't responded to any of your texts and you were sure he's probably asleep. Hugging Taeyeon as you thanked her for giving you a ride, "Drive safe, hun."

She smiled at you, "Thanks. Hope Jiyong isn't mad."

You rolled your eyes, trying to calm your nerves, "My life is on the line here." You were nervous to meet him, quite scared of how he would react. You haven't talked to Haneul in so long, so you weren't quite sure why he would even mention you on a tv interview?

The elevator ride up to your apartment was quite silent, even though there were 3 other people riding with you. All 3 of them was busy typing away on their phone as you fumbled with your fingers.

You opened the unlocked door of your apartment, knowing exactly that Jiyong is probably there. "Jiyong?" You called out to him.


His tone was calm, too calm? You walked to the living room and he was sitting on the couch. He definitely knows. His eyes looked different as he looked at you, taking you in from head to toe.

You walked up to him to sit right next to him, you could smell the cigarette that reeks off him.

"Don't sit next to me," he spoke, "We've got to talk."

"So you've seen the ne-"

"When was the last time you spoke to him?"

"You mean Haneu-"

kwon jiyong x you; blurbsWhere stories live. Discover now