And then her cell which was in her hand vibrated. She flipped it open without looking at the Caller ID.


“Do you know how fucking whacked my parents are?” one of her best friends fired at her.

“Allie, chill. What’s up?”

“‘What’s up?’ is that my parents dragged me to this flipping car/bike show and then ditched me. I’m standing her all alone.”

“Awww…I’m sorry. But what show? Where?”

“Some god-forsaken place. I don’t know.”

“Thanks for the help,” Alli said sarcastically. “But aren’t there banners and posters?”

There was a pause. Alli only heard music and she didn’t know where it was coming from. Could it be a coincidence that she was hearing an echo of the music playing through the phone?

The thing was, she didn’t believe in coincidences.

“Allie?! Allie?!” she shouted.

“Ow! What? I was looking,” Allie complained.

“Is the DJ, DJ Fynn?” Alli asked.

“Yeah. Why?”

“You’re not alone chick. I’m here. I’m close to the entrance. Come find me. I’ve got my Busa.”

“Yee-ah. I’m coming.”

“See you in a few.” Alli ended the call smiling broadly until she realized that all four guys were staring at her. “What?” she asked.

“Did you just say ‘your Busa’?” Darius asked.

“Yes. Is that a problem?”

All the guys moved their gazes to the bike. Then Dave spoke.

“You have a Gixxer?”

“Yeah. What’s it to you?”

He shrugged just as a girl with crimson streaked hair appeared on the opposite side of the bike.

“Bitch you didn’t say you had company.”

Alli sighed for the umpteenth time. “Allie this is Dave, Darius, Kevin and Trevor.” Each guy gave some sort of indication when he heard his name.

Alli watched as her equally crazy best friend’s mouth formed an ‘O’. Then Allie came to stand at her side.

“You didn’t tell me that Kevin was that cute,” she whispered al little too loudly considering that a whisper meant speaking at regular volume. At the close proximity at which they were standing, the guys heard.

Trevon snickered, Dave and Darius looked at each other and then at Alli and Kevin stared at the ground.

Allie looked at the guys and saw their expressions then whispered in Alli’s ear again. Still too loudly.

“They heard didn’t they?”

Her best friend nodded. Allie groaned and then proceeded to hide behind her friend. Alli laughed. And then there was a period of awkwardness.

The four guys didn’t know what to say, Allie was too embarrassed to speak and Alli was still contemplating ditching.

She looked at her bike again and then remembered something. She beckoned to Allie.

She squatted and told Allie to do the same. Then she showed her the Alliey symbol in gold right near the gears. All three of the Allieys had one tattoo in common. The Alliey symbol. A hollowed out six pointed star with a flame. Each had it in a different spot.

Dark-Hunter One-Shot :) Ash & Tory's sonWhere stories live. Discover now