Scene 1

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Kylo Ren dressed in a blonde wig and an orange vest over a green bodysuit walks into to the cafeteria filled with stormtroopers and some officers.

MATT: Hi I'm Matt. I'm a radar technician, and I did not kill your kids.

Everyone looks at Matt and glances at each other and then goes back to what they're doing.

Camera pans to stormtrooper in interview fashion.

TROOPER 1: To hell he's a technician. That's my ex-wife. How do I know? B/c I can feel the dark force surging out of her. She's come here to kill me.

Camera zooms out to reveal another stormtrooper sitting next to him.

TROOPER 2: You dated Matt?

TROOPER 3: *looks at trooper 1 with a concerned look* Why would you date Matt? He literally tried to kill me last month.

TROOPER 1: *looks up in a daze* It's those menacing eyes and those juicy lips.

Camera goes to Matt who is walking down the hallway when he comes across the female radar technician he met last month.

RADAR TECHNICIAN: Matt where were you last month?

MATT: The bathroom.

The technician crosses her arms and gives him a look.

RADAR TECHNICIAN: *points at him fiercely* So you were the one who clogged the toilets. Damn why you gotta make my life harder!? I just want my damn muffin Matt! But I can't have it because first you couldn't fix the darn calcinator and now you clogging the darn toilets.

MATT: *clenches fist and grits teeth* I didn't clog the toilets.

RADAR TECHNICIAN: *leans up close to Matt's face* Then who did Matt? WHO DID IT MATT? WHO TOOK MY FUCKING MUFFIN MATT?!

Matt stands up and force chokes the radar technician.


RADAR TECHNICIAN: I'll...never...tell you...where...the muffins are...." *dies*

Matt lets her dead body fall to the floor and pulls out a blueberry muffin from his pocket and takes a bite as he walks away like a savage.

Camera focuses in on Matt in an interview setting.

MATT: *spits piece of muffin out* This is muffin doesn't even taste good. No wonder she's a jerkface.