"Yeah, I guess. " She looks down at her shoes, taking a deep breath before raising her eyes to the dias the guys were seated on. She gave Namjoon a small wave when he looked over at her, seeing his dimples pop out as he hid his face and blushed.

"Ok, that was seriously adorable. I sorta ship you two." Jessa looks at her and grins. 

"Yah! Shut up. We're just friends. He was super nice yesterday, and he didn't have to be. Hobi is practically family to him; all the guys are."

You nudge Angie's arm and point up at Tae, who is smiling happily at a small little girl. She couldn't be more than 2 years old. He lifts her onto his lap while he signs her mom's book, then practically ignores the mom for the little girl. "I take it back, THAT is seriously adorable. He is going to be a great dad someday." The two of you watch his face light up, making all sorts of funny faces just to see the little girl laugh. Poor Namjoon, sitting next to him, looking exasperated at Tae. "I wonder why Joonie looks upset, though."

Angie laughs, covering her mouth quickly before she squeaks. "I take it you haven't watched a lot of fan interaction videos. It always looks like Tae prefers being with kids rather than adults. They had an Idol Olympic thing, and he was walking around carrying someone's kid."

Finally, your turn comes to talk to the guys, Angie, right behind you. After teasing Tae about the little girl and making Joon blush after you make him laugh and poke his dimples, you get to Kookie. "Hello, Oppa." You give him a cheeky smirk.

"Yah! Noona, you know I hate that."

"I know. That's why I did it." You joke around with him a little more, moving on to Jimin and making him smile widely when you compare hands, and he sees his are bigger than yours.

"I knew I liked you, Noona!"

"So the only reason you like me is that my hands are tinier than yours? So mean Chimchim." You scrunch your face up at him before it's time to move on to Hobi.

"Ah Hobi Hobi, at long last." You raise an eyebrow and give him a look.

"Jessa, looking ravishing, of course."

Your eyebrows raise when you see Jin glance over at Hobi when he hears this. "Now Hobi hobi, you know you can't say things like that. I do have a question for you, though."

"Uh... I-I'm not exactly.." He stutters, slightly worried at what you're planning on asking him.

"Chill HobiHobi now isn't the place. Nah, the question I have is, green or blue." You eye Jin, giving him a discreet wink since he knows why you're asking. Angie is wearing a soft green, super soft, and fuzzy shirt that Jimin is currently petting, while you're in a jewel blue silky shirt. You were hoping he would pick the green to give him something to compliment Angie on when she spoke to him next.

He gives you his trademark 'wtf' face that he is so popular for. "Green is my favorite color, actually." 

"Ahh, ok. Well, time's up. Bye!" You scooch over to Jin, grinning widely at him. "Hello, handsome."

He gives you a wink and blows you his trademark kiss. "Hello, gorgeous." He says it quietly, even leaning forward. You can barely hear it, so you know the girl in front of you didn't, especially since Yoongi took that moment to make aeygo faces at the girl so she could take pictures. You two take the time to talk about silly stuff while he discreetly slips a note into the back of your book, making sure you see it before passing it along to Yoongi.

You grin at Yoongi widely, bowing slightly to him. "Hello, Oppa!"

He chuckles, giving you a grin before talking to you like he would any other Army. Finally, you and Angie are done, and you sit back down before pulling Jin's note out of the book. When you get to the lobby, turn left towards the back. You'll have to show Security your ID to get through, but they will take you to the cars so you can get to the dorm. See you in an hour or two, help yourself to anything in the fridge. You relay the message to Angie, and the two of you get up to leave, waving goodbye to the guys. Hobi notices and nods to you before leaning over and letting Jin know you are leaving.

Getting through Security was surprisingly hassle-free once they saw your IDs, and before you knew it, the two of you were being ushered out a side door and into a black SUV and heading towards the dorm. You turn to Angie, watching her closely before asking what she and Hobi spoke about.

"I kept it to what you suggested, although he weirdly complimented my shirt. It came from nowhere, and it was odd. Jimin liked it, though, but he likes soft fabrics, so I'm not surprised he was petting my arm."

"And how did the conversation with Tae go?"

"Just like with Hobi, I kept it neutral. Nothing that any other Army wouldn't talk about. Namjoon kept trying to apologize, though. I finally had to get somewhat snarky to get him to stop. I really hope no other Army heard. But it seriously isn't his fault, and he shouldn't be apologizing."

"Ugh, it was so hard not to flirt with Jin, but there were soo many people around us." You have a slight pout on your face, and Angie laughs at you, pointing out that the two of you are on your way to his dorm, and you'll see him shortly and can flirt with him all you want.

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