Chapter 4

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Dedicated to EmonFelix for being the first commenter on this story 😘
More dedications to come.

Caleb's P.O.V

The first four hours of the day passed by pretty quickly, and soon I was signing out for my lunch break. After much back and forth in my mind about where I should eat, I decided to get a calzone at Pizza hut. It was within walking distance of the office and had free WiFi. Nothing could beat that.
In no time I was standing in the line awaiting my turn. I spotted my coworkers Karter, Chase and Nevaeh sitting at a table near the back of the building. I gave them a small wave which they returned. So far they were all nice. Karter was the clown of the office. I knew that instantly by his infectious laughter and witty responses. Chase was the laid back, mellow type like me. Nevaeh was nice and a really good teacher. Not to mention cute. Her skin was dark and smooth like molasses, but that's not important.
I made my order and then walked over to them. I slipped into the chair next to Karter, picking up on their conversation.

"So if Ronnie walked in here right now, you'll talk to him? Chase was asking Nevaeh. She blushed heavily and looked down at her hands which she was fiddling with.

"I don't know... maybe...I mean I would like to..."

"Ha. You're bluffing Nevaeh. I'm sure you wouldn't,"

"I might. Be positive please,"

Karter shook his head and took a drink from his water bottle.

"You guys aren't destined to be together. Does he even know your name?" He asked.

"Yes.. I think..."

"Why are you guys interrogating my teacher?" I asked with a smile.

Nevaeh looked startled like she hadn't acknowledged my presence until now.

"Because it's fun seeing her all ruffled," Chase said with a smirk.

"And because she's so helplessly in love with a guy who hasn't done more than glance in her direction. Women I tell you. They're crazy," Karter added and then chuckled.

Nevaeh gave them both a death stare. Her lips were pursed like she was about to say something rude, but then decided against it.

"You two are so annoying," she mumbled as she stirred her drink, "and I'm not helplessly in love. Am I very attracted to Ronnie? Yes. Yes. I am."

I smiled to myself at her words. It's been a while since I've allowed myself to fall for anyone. Choosing instead to focus on school. My last relationship was over a year ago and it ended quite horribly. I would rather focus on myself for a while longer before heading back into the dating world.

"Whatever you say lover girl. I just hope you're prepared to have your heart broken. Ronnie's a rolling stone,"

Nevaeh rolled her eyes at Karter and then stood up.

"If you goons will excuse me, I'll be taking my lunch back to the office where I'm not bombarded with questions on my taste in men,"

With that, Nevaeh got up, gathered her unfinished bread sticks and made a beeline for the door. Her hair bouncing with each step, hips swaying in a none-of-your-buisness type of way.

Talk about attitude.

"Don't mind her," Chase reassured me, "she's just worried that Ronnie will never ask her out,"

"I haven't meet this guy have I?" I asked, a tad bit curious about this well talked about individual.

"No, but you will in time. He'll be in office tomorrow. You'll know it's him by Nevaeh's change in behavior. She's so nervous around him. It's hilarious," he chuckled and Karter joined in.

I smiled and tried to imagine a nervous version of this black girl. I tried for a long time.

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