Back to the bad times

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"Nii-san,are we going to find mama and papa?" The little boy squeezed his hand against his older brother's.  The whole street was bustling with people. Warm lights show-casing the sweets and street foods everyone was selling.

With every cautious step they took, adults would be pressing them to buy their sweets, play games and buy toys. As much as it tempted them, they didn't even have any spare change in their pockets. It was hopeless.

Despite the fact that they had been separated from their parents, the little boy didn't seem to be too bothered by it as he swung their interlocked hands together. Humming a little tune under his breath, he continued to enjoy the festival nonetheless.

M/n stared at his little brother, a brow raised. It was good he wasn't panicking at all. It seemed it was the opposite. He was calm.

Too calm.

"Are you not worried we're lost, Tooru?" M/n asked. The little boy turned to his brother with utter confusion. M/n laighed softly at the little pout that formed on his lips as he tried to process what his brother meant. In the end,he answered his brother with another question.

A question that took the h/c by surprise.

"You're here with me,right? Nii-san. I dont have to worry about anything!" Tooru showed a toothy grin to his brother. Those words melted M/n's heart and he smiled.

"Nothing at all?"

"Nothing at all!"

A loud crash sent many people in a panic and terror-filled screams. Up ahead could what be seen as a human...or what used to be human.

Its head twisted badly as his skin rotted into a sicken green. The white of his eyes were an unattractive yellow. There was no doubt it was what they call a demon.

"Oh my,we have quite the feast tonight," it grinned as it eagerly scanned its surroundings. Watching as the people desperately ran away from the scene. It grabbed the nearest man to him as the man screamed in agony.

M/n quickly covered his brother's eyes as the demon chuncked off a large portion of the man. Blood was everywhere. It was definitely a scarring scene for a young kid. M/n couldn't move his feet,not any part of his body seemed to obey him.

He was frozen in terror.

The only thing that snapped him off was the fearful look in Tooru's eyes as he tagged at his brother and called for his name. He didn't seem to be doing much better.  M/n needed to get him far away from here as soon as possible.

He grabbed the little boy's hand and made a run for it as much as everyone. Tooru forced his feet to run as fast as his brother's, trying to catch up but he seemed to be flying at his brother's speed.

As soon as they were a meter away, the demon was already done with eating his first target. The demon looked around at all the people running for their lives.

The fear in their eyes was always pleasing to see. Especially once you meet their gaze and you lock your focus into them. That always seemed to scare them off,

Because that's when they know you're their next prey.

Don't look back. Dont look back! Just keep running. M/n chanted to himself mentally. His first priority was to protect Tooru,he had to.

Right now if he turned back, a number of dead people would be lying on the ground. The once grey path that lead to the whole merry festival was now painted in red.

The same scenery was now in front of him as he opened the doors of the demon's hideout. An unconscious Yayoi lie in the demon hand.

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